The Victims and Survivors Service (VSS) is committed to the highest possible standards of openness and accountability in the delivery of its services.
How to raise a concern: Members of the Public
If you have a concern related to a VSS funded organisation or a VSS client we encourage you to speak to us. This may include allegations or concerns related to suspected fraud. Concerns raised will be treated in the strictest confidence. Where concerns lead to criminal proceedings, you may also be required to give evidence in a court of law. If you are not a member of VSS staff (for example you are a member of the general public or an external stakeholder) you can raise your concern:
- By telephone: 02890 279100
- By e-mail: (this mailbox is managed confidentially)
- In writing:
VSS Risk and Governance Manager
28-32 Alfred Street
Once you have told VSS of your concern, you can be assured that all concerns raised will be taken seriously and investigated appropriately. Information and documentation relating to your concern will be restricted in order to protect the identity of all those involved, including those against whom the concerns are made.
We will look into your concern to assess initially what action should be taken. This may involve an informal review or a formal investigation. Where it is decided that a formal investigation is necessary the overall responsibility for the investigation will lie with a nominated “investigation officer”. If a formal investigation is undertaken, we will tell you who is dealing with the matter, how you can contact him or her, and whether your further assistance may be needed. If you request, we will write to you summarising your concern and setting out how we propose to handle it.
VSS will make a Public Interest Disclosure to its Sponsor Department (TEO), detailing the nature of the concerns (on an anonymous basis where confidentiality has been requested).
When you raise the concern you may be asked how you think the matter might best be resolved. If you do have any personal interest in the matter, we do ask that you tell us at the outset. If your concern falls more properly within another policy (such as Dignity at Work, or Complaints), we will tell you.
We will give you as much feedback as we can, and if requested, we will confirm it in writing. However, we may not be able to tell you the precise action we take where this would infringe a duty of confidence owed by us to someone else, or jeopardise an external investigation or legal process.
External Disclosures
While we hope we have given you the reassurance you need to raise your concern internally with us, we recognise that there may be circumstances where you can properly report a concern to an outside body. We would encourage you raise matters with the appropriate regulator – such as the Northern Ireland Audit Office or the Health and Safety Executive of Northern Ireland.