Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 105

Board Meeting Type: Strategic Board Meeting

Thursday 20 June 2024 10:00am

Equality House, Belfast


Board Members Present:

Sandra Horley (SH)                      Interim Chair

John Cahill (JC)                            Board Member

Catriona MacArthur (CMA)           Board Member

Brian Gilfedder (BG)                    Board Member


VSS Officers in Attendance:

Andrew Walker (AW)                    Chief Executive Officer

Melissa McCartan (MM)                Business Support Officer (Minutes) 


External Facilitator:

Steve Mungavin (SM)                     CEF Associate Trainer  




A      Apologies


No apologies received.


B      Minutes of Previous Meeting


The minutes of the previous meeting on 22 May 2024 were agreed.


C      Conflict of Interest Declarations


SH asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest.  No conflicts of interest were declared.


D      CEO update by exception reporting (Verbal update) 


AW provided the Board with an update on the following key areas:

Budget Position

AW provided a brief update on the current 2024/25 budget position. It was noted that while VSS awaits a formal budget allocation letter, staff continue to operate on a month-by-month basis, based on a rollover budget for all funded areas. The associated risks as a result of this delay were highlighted to the Board for noting. 



The Board noted that PEACEPLUS application was approved on 21st May 2024, and that upon commencement, expenditure incurred from this date can be claimed retrospectively . AW advised that work is ongoing, primarily within ED’s team, to get to letter of offer stage.



The Board noted that a Public Consultation is expected to launch next week for a period of 12 weeks. VSS are making arrangements with WAVE to provide emotional support throughout this process.


VSS Achievement of Trauma Informed Quality Mark

The Board noted that VSS has been accredited with the Silver ‘Trauma-Informed: Working with Trauma Quality Mark’.  AW advised that this initiative, supported by the Safeguarding Board for Northern Irland, involved working with ‘One Small Thing’ – a specialist charity which provides assessment and accreditation in the area of trauma-informed working. It was noted that VSS is the first organisation in NI to achieve this Quality Mark.


The Board acknowledged all involved throughout this journey and congratulated all staff on such a momentous achievement for VSS.


2024 PRIDE Parade

The Board noted that a small number of VSS staff will be participating in the 2024 PRIDE Parade, walking alongside NICS staff. This comes in response to staff representations over a number of years, and following a staff survey to gauge interest/support for participation.  AW advised that staff will be reminded of the relevant policies and procedures prior to the event.

Board Recruitment

AW provided an update on Board recruitment following correspondence received from TEO. It is hoped that 3 new Board members, plus a new Chairperson will be appointed before the August Board meeting.


E      Board Effectiveness Workshop


SH welcomed SM (external facilitator) to the Board meeting and initiated introductions.


SM provided an overview of the session ahead. It was noted that the overall aim of the workshop is to discuss the effectiveness of the Board performing as a group to fulfil their role and responsibilities, as well as set appropriate actions to help develop the Board over the next year (building on what works well and what could be improved).

It was noted that given the current Board Members have all been appointed relatively recently, an abridged approach is being adopted today to facilitate the annual review of the Board’s effectiveness.


The workshop commenced at 10:15am.


The workshop ended at 3:00pm.


Date of next meeting: Tuesday 13th August 2024.