Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 104

Board Meeting Type: Strategic Board Meeting

Wednesday 22 May at 10:00am

Remote via Teams


Board Members Present:

John Cahill (JC)                            Board Member

Sandra Horley (SH)                      Board Member

Catriona MacArthur (CMA)           Board Member

Brian Gilfedder (BG)                    Board Member

Lisa Brown (LB)                             Boardroom Apprentice


VSS Officers in Attendance:

Andrew Walker (AW)                    Chief Executive Officer

Tara Lewsley (TL)                         Head of Corporate Services

Nicola Nugent (NN)                      Head of Health and Wellbeing

Emma Dargan (ED)                      Acting Head of Service Development

Melissa McCartan (MM)                Business Support Officer (Minutes) 





AW welcomed everyone to the Board meeting and advised that he is content to facilitate the meeting in the absence of a Chairperson. An update was provided on the VSS Board recruitment arrangements, including the appointment of an interim Chairperson.



A      Apologies


No apologies received.



B      Minutes of Previous Meeting


The minutes of the previous meeting on 25 April 2024 were approved.


C      Conflict of Interest Declarations


AW asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest.  No conflicts of interest were declared.


D      Future Strategic Sessions


AW provided the Board with an overview of historic strategic Board sessions and opened up a discussion for the Board to explore ideas for future strategic sessions. The following key points were noted:


-       Board keen to get a better understanding of VSS Community and Voluntary partners and the key challenges they face. An opportunity to invite other organisations to the Board for an information session is welcomed. It was noted that ED is currently arranging site visits for existing Board members to engage with a number of Groups.


-       Board feel they would benefit from quarterly updates from the ICRIR and CVS on key matters arising in relation to victims and survivors and policies etc. In addition, Board would welcome the opportunity to meet with Sir Declan Morgan (ICRIR) and Fiona Ryan (COSICA).


-       Board would welcome the opportunity for SMT to further showcase practical examples of key operational achievements within VSS and across the sector.


-       Board feel that it would be useful for existing Board members to offer mentorship support to new Board members as part of the induction process. AW advised that SMT will explore ways to integrate an effective induction process into the future strategic sessions.


-       Board would welcome the opportunity to meet with VSS Audit and Risk Committee and Health and Wellbeing Committee to gain a better understanding of the responsibilities of each Committee.


-       Broad discussion around the Victims Support Programme and the design of a new Victim’s Strategy and how the Board might feed into that process.


-       Board keen to see some progress in the development of an appropriate Partnership Agreement between VSS and TEO (which will replace the MSFM).


-       Board feel they would benefit from attending additional training workshops in the following areas: Safeguarding, Code of Conduct, Confidentiality, and Collaborative Working.


-       Board explored ways to enhance collaborative working among members – this included the arrangement of a pre-meeting for members ahead of each Board meeting and other team building opportunities.



E      CEO update by exception reporting (Verbal update) 


AW provided the Board with an update on the following key areas:


Budget Position

A brief update on TEO’s ‘high level’ 2024/25 budget position was provided to the Board for noting.


AW then provided an update on VSS opening 2024/25 budget position. It was noted that while VSS awaits a formal budget allocation letter, staff continue to prepare operations on the basis of a rollover budget for all funded areas. AW provided some rationale in terms of the budget impact for VSS. 


The Board noted that the 2024 SDA payments have now been issued and that VSS anticipate a reduction in daily calls now that payments have been received.



The Board noted that the PEACE PLUS bid was presented yesterday at the May Steering Committee and that VSS await an update on the outcome of this. AW highlighted next steps, primarily from ED’s team, following a confirmation of approval.



The Board noted that the ICRIR commenced operations on Wednesday 1 May 2024. It was noted there has been no noticeable impact on VSS (to date) following its commencement.  


AW advised VSS continue to work with Community Partners, ensuring support is offered to those who wish to engage in the process.


The Board noted a discussion with Sir Declan Morgan (ICRIR) would be welcomed at an upcoming strategic meeting to discuss progress and potential support contributions.


AP1: Issue to Sir Declan Morgan (ICRIR) to attend future strategic Board session in 2024/25.


F       Staffing Structure and Recruitment Update


AW provided an update on the new VSS staffing structure following the BCS review in 2022 and highlighted a number of new key posts. It was noted that the application process for Head of Community Partnership and Head of Learning & Growth has now closed, with interviews scheduled to take place in June.


TL provided an overview of the recruitment plan (comprising 27 posts in total) and advised that the following posts are currently out for recruitment:

-    HWB Case Manager

-    Admin Officer, Programmes


The Board noted that VSS need to await formal budget confirmation and approval of the PEACE PLUS bid before proceeding with all phases of recruitment.  On the basis there are no further delays, TL anticipates final interviews taking place early September 2024 – with all staff appointed and in place.


MM to circulate Staffing Structure charts to Board.  


G       June Board and Induction for new Chair/Board


The Board agreed arrangements for the June meeting, subject to availability of an external facilitator.


AP2: TL to scope availability for a facilitated self-assessment workshop with the Board in June 2024.


It was noted that the appointment of an interim Chairperson is anticipated ahead of the next Board meeting.


H       AOB


Media Monitoring


AW provided an overview of the current media monitoring arrangements and requested feedback from the Board in relation to its usefulness to the Board. It was noted that SMT are reviewing the list of key words and will update to include any new and relevant subject areas.


The Board provided their feedback, noting they are content with the current approach, subject to updating the list of key words.


Date of next meeting: Thursday 20 June 2024.