Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 103

Board Meeting Type: Quarter End Board Meeting      

Thursday 25 April at 10:00am

Maldron Hotel, Belfast


Board Members Present:

Oliver Wilkinson (OW)                  Board Member (Chair)

John Cahill (JC)                            Board Member

Sandra Horley (SH)                      Board Member

Catriona MacArthur (CMA)           Board Member

Brian Gilfedder (BG)                    Board Member


VSS Officers in Attendance:

Andrew Walker (AW)                    Chief Executive Officer

Tara Lewsley (TL)                         Head of Corporate Services

Nicola Nugent (NN)                      Head of Health and Wellbeing

Emma Dargan (ED)                      Acting Head of Service Development

Melissa McCartan (MM)                Business Support Officer (Minutes) 





A      Apologies


No apologies received.


B      Minutes of Previous Meeting


Minutes of the previous meeting were approved, subject to amending section C wording error.


C       Action Points


The Board noted 25.01.24 – AP1 has been closed - approval for the VSS restructure has been received, subject to affordability. 25.01.24 - AP2 and AP3 remain open, with view to closing by Q2 2024/25. One longstanding AP relating to MSFM Ref 4.4.3 remains open.


D      Conflict of Interest


Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest.  No conflicts of interest were declared.


D1     Supplier List / Agenda Items

 The Board noted this paper.


D2     Declaration Form


The Board noted this paper.


E       Chair’s Report


The Board noted this paper.


OW highlighted that TEO have completed the recruitment process for a new VSS Chair and three Board Members. A submission to Ministers has been made. VSS await notification of these appointments. The Chair noted that in the very short term, he will remain available when needed until new Chairperson is in post to complete an induction/handover as required.


F       Quarter 4 Reporting – 1 January 2024 - 31 March 2024


F1     CEO Exception Report


AW provided the Board with an update on the following key issues:




AW noted that VSS submitted a PEACEPLUS application in August 2023 and have since worked with SEUPB and TEO responding promptly to queries raised on the application. It was noted that the date provided in the funding call document for a Steering Committee was no later than ‘21 March 2024’ which has now passed. It is anticipated that the project will now be considered in the May Committee meeting due to delays within the TEO/DoF approval process. AW highlighted the practical problems that the delay in approval brings to VSS (including the Gap funding period) and discussed possible scenarios with the Board.


The Board noted this as a risk for VSS and agreed to issue correspondence to TEO relating to the matter in order to seek some assurance.  AW recommended that correspondence was prepared but held for a couple of weeks to see if a budget position emerges.


25.04.24 - AP1: Board to issue correspondence to TEO regarding risks associated with the PEACEPLUS project delay.


Staff Resourcing


The Board noted that the VSS Staffing Structure Business Case has been approved conditionally, based on affordability. In line with this condition, AW advised that VSS is unable to make any significant progress with recruitment of most vacant posts until the 2024/25 budget and PEACEPLUS Bid has been confirmed.

AW highlighted that this is, however, a welcome step towards VSS being appropriately resourced to deliver all areas of work. It was noted that two key posts are proceeding to recruitment – Head of Community Partnership and Head of Learning and Growth.

It was noted that the NICS Pay Award offer for 1 August 2023 has been accepted by the trade unions. The Pay Award consists of an increase of 5% to all points on pay scales, as well as non-consolidated, non-pensionable payment of £1,500 to those in post between 2022-2023.



The Board noted that the Executive is due to meet today to agree the 2024/25 budgets. It was highlighted that VSS are making preparations for operations in 2024/25 on the basis of a rollover budget basis for all funded areas until a budget has been agreed.


It was noted that the impact of the PEACEPLUS application issue is significant on the 2024/25 budget, should VSS need to find savings in the area of support and services for victims and survivors of Troubles/conflict.  AW then advised there is a general concern in respect of budget available to our 47 community partner organisations – given the increasing needs and rising costs of staff and service provision. AW highlighted that other factors such as RTN and ICRIR are likely to result in increased need for services.


AW advised the Board that the annual Self-Directed Assistance Payment process has also been delayed into May pending 2024/25 budget confirmation/assurances from TEO. It was noted that this is resulting in pressure on VSS staff with increased telephone enquiries.


Board Appointments


It was noted the recruitment process for a new VSS Chair, and three Board members has been complete. VSS await notification of these appointments.


As a contingency measure, the current VSS Chair has had his term extended by one month to 30 April 2024. AW noted it is hoped that this will also allow for a handover to a newly appointed Chair.




The Truth Recovery Programme continues to make some progress towards implementing the key areas of the Truth Recovery Strategy. The Board noted that TEO colleagues continue to progress a multi-annual business case through the appropriate approval committees at TEO, however, the timeframe for approval of this is currently unknown.


Needs of Bereaved


The Board noted that in 2024/25, VSS intends (subject to budget) to extend the eligibility criteria within the existing Disability Aids framework to support individuals who are bereaved, allowing for the de-escalation of risk STG57.  





The Board and SMT engaged in an open discussion in relation to The Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery (ICRIR). The following key points were noted:


-       The ICRIR will be operational from 1 May 2024.

-       A ‘interstate’ case has been taken by the Irish Government regarding the conditional immunity aspect of the Act – the outcome of this is still pending.

-       The Board noted that VSS provided a response to the ICRIR public consultation with a focus on ensuring the policies and procedures for engaging with individuals impacted by the Troubles/conflict are trauma informed.

-       It was noted that VSS is independent of the ICRIR.

-       VSS anticipate many victims and survivors may be impacted by ICRIR’s commencement – both those intending to make a request to ICRIR and those with no intention of doing so.  It was noted that VSS foresee an increase in demand of support and services (VSS and Groups) in the coming weeks and months.

-       The Board and SMT then discussed potential Health and Wellbeing support pathways for individuals who wish to engage with the ICRIR.

-       The Board and SMT explored potential risks for VSS during this process and agreed to add a rolling risk to the strategic risk register to manage relationships, reputation, and key messaging.

-       AW highlighted he is due to meet Brown O’Connor tomorrow to discuss key points and comms (from VSS standpoint) in respect of the ICRIR commencement in May 2024.

-       VSS front line staff will be briefed ahead of commencement to ensure clear messaging to clients and how VSS can help direct callers to Community and Voluntary organisations who have specialist advocacy services (if required).


The Board noted that the VSS (and Community and Voluntary organisations) core principle is to support victims and survivors of the Troubles/conflict and will continue to engage with a victim centred approach.


BG acknowledged the increased workload on staff, particularly on the lead up to quarter end reporting and commended VSS staff for their efforts across all teams.


In addition, the Board noted updates in relation to TPDPS.


F1.1   Budget Report


The Board noted the March 2024 budget report.


F1.2 Strategic Risk Register


The Board noted updates within the Strategic Risk Register.


F2    Quarterly ALB Performance Report


The Board noted this paper.


F3    Quarterly Assurance Statement


The Board noted this paper.


F4    M&E Quarterly Reports Q4 2023/24


The Board noted the following reports.


-       M&E Outcome Report -Tc – Q4 2023-24

-       M&E Outcome Report - HIA – Q4 2023-24

-       M&E Outcome Report - MBMLW – Q4 2023-24


CMcA raised a query relating to possible budget implications of being over target, which was clarified and noted.


G      Board Subcommittees


G1    Audit and Risk Committee (Verbal Update)

An update was provided on the VSS Audit and Risk Committee. The following key points were noted:

-       John Cahill has been appointed as new Chair of ARC.

-       Review of Financial Management audit has been completed, resulting in a ‘Satisfactory’ rating. One recommendation has been made and accepted by management. The Board noted this is a positive outcome and commended all involved.

-       External Audit (NIAO) presented their audit strategy, with a final visit due to commence 19th August 2024 and certification planned for 21st October 2024.


G2    Health and Wellbeing Committee (Verbal Update)


SH provided an update on the Health and Wellbeing Committee. The following key points were noted:

-       Sandra Horley has been appointed as new HWB Committee Chair.

-       Action point relating to the recruitment/co-opting of additional Clinical Expertise remains ongoing.

-       Review of workplan for 2024/25 remains ongoing alongside Head of HWB.


H    Board Workplan and Development


H1    Board Attendance and Work Plan


Completion of all 2023/24 Board Performance appraisals is expected by next week. TL asked can any remaining appraisals be completed and submitted at the earliest convenience.  


Board effectiveness session (which usually takes place annually in May) is being pushed back until new Chair and Board members are appointed.


H2    Board Training Questionnaire  


The Board noted this paper.


H3    Board Self-Assessment Update         


TL provided an update on the Board self-assessment actions.


I        Standing Agenda Items


I1     Compliance Update


The compliance paper was presented to the Board in advance of the Board meeting. TL provided background information on the spot check process in relation to a number of new suspected fraud cases.


I2   Client Risk Update


NN provided an update on the Client Risk report.


It was noted that 4 individuals were recorded on the Client Risk Register and supported in line with VSS’s Client Risk Management Policy, with no further action required from VSS at this time.


The Board noted 1 individual was recorded on the Safeguarding Client Risk Register and was supported in line with VSS Safeguarding Client Risk Policy, with no further action required from VSS at this time.


NN highlighted the challenging engagements recorded in the quarter, noting the increase in Feb and March which primarily related to the delay in SDA payments. The Board noted that clinical supervision remains in place for staff to avail of and a communication banner has been placed on the website to inform clients of this delay.


J      AOB


To conclude, AW acknowledged that today may be OW last Board meeting, after his term was due to end 31 March 2024. On behalf of the Board and SMT, AW thanked OW for his dedicated service as Chair and significant contributions and support to victims and survivors, VSS staff and those across the sector over the years. OW extended appreciation to his Board colleagues and VSS staff and noted it has been a privilege to serve on the VSS Board since 2013.


K      Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 22 May 2024.