Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 101
Board Meeting Type: Quarter End Board Meeting
Thursday 25 January at 10:00am
Grand Central Hotel, Belfast
Board Members Present:
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member (Chair)
John Cahill (JC) Board Member
Sandra Horley (SH) Board Member
Catriona MacArthur (CMA) Board Member
Brian Gilfedder (BG) Board Member
Lisa Brown (LB) Boardroom Apprentice
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Andrew Walker (AW) Chief Executive Officer
Tara Lewsley (TL) Head of Corporate Services
Nicola Nugent (NN) Head of Health and Wellbeing
Emma Dargan (ED) Acting Head of Service Development
Melissa McCartan (MM) Business Support Officer (Minutes)
A Apologies
Apologies received from Oliver Wilkinson, VSS Chair.
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
C Action Points
The Board noted all action points have been closed, with the exception of one longstanding AP relating to MSFM Ref 4.4.3.
Actions arising from 25.01.24.
25.01.24 - AP1: Board to issue correspondence to TEO regarding VSS Staff Resourcing risk.
25.01.24 - AP2: Board schedule of matters to be reviewed.
25.01.24 - AP3: VSS Board members to complete outstanding appraisals ahead of 31 March 2024.
D Conflict of Interest
Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were declared.
D1 Supplier List / Agenda Items
The Board noted this paper.
D2 Declaration Form
The Board noted this paper.
E Chair’s Report
The Board noted this paper.
F Quarter 2 Reporting – September 2023
F1 CEO Exception Report
AW provided the Board with an update on the following key areas:
- Staff Resourcing
The Board noted that the approval of the VSS business case for the staffing restructure by TEO remains outstanding and the organisation is continuing to operate significantly under capacity. It was noted that to date, there has been a significant reliance on the goodwill of VSS staff to continue to operate all areas of service. However, with an ever-challenging external environment (including the cost-of-living crisis and pay awards), this goodwill is as risk of running out.
The Board noted this has been captured in a re-framed strategic risk, STG74 – Risk that VSS is not appropriately resourced to deliver all areas of work and has been evaluated as a red risk. STG51 has been replaced.
The Board agreed to issue correspondence to TEO to outline the risks and concerns as a result of this ongoing delay.
AP1: Board to issue correspondence to TEO regarding VSS Staff Resourcing risk.
- Board Appointments
The Board noted the competition for a new VSS Chair and additional 3 Board Members went live on Monday 15 January 2024. AW highlighted that Ministers typically make these appointments and given the current political uncertainty, VSS remains concerned that appointments may not be made by 31 March 2024 if Ministers are not in post.
It was noted TEO provided assurance at the previous ARC meeting that an appointment panel will be established and will work towards an appointment date of 31 March 2024. AW highlighted that TEO should give urgent consideration to contingency measures should the appointments process be delayed and that VSS will continue to press for updates in respect of this matter.
- Budgets
The Board noted that budget pressures which have arisen in 2023-24 financial year have largely been addressed now through the provision of additional funds by TEO (in the area of TPDPS) to meet the emerging Health and Wellbeing needs.
AW noted that VSS is engaged with TEO on the business case for the rollover of programme expenditure for 2024/25. It was noted that VSS are currently planning for a 2024/25 budget based on a baseline of the opening budget of 2023/24.
The possibility of significant budget cuts within VSS has been highlighted by TEO, which will have a direct impact on victims and survivors. If significant reductions in budget are confirmed, VSS will need to communicate with those impacted as early as possible ahead of the incoming financial year. The Board noted the substantial financial impact on victims and survivors as a result of these potential changes and that VSS continue to liaise with TEO on the matter.
- PEACE Programme
The Board noted that VSS submitted a PEACEPLUS application in August 2023 and continue to work with SEUPB and TEO to respond promptly to queries raised on the application and remain hopeful that the bid will be approved at Steering Committee ahead of 1 April 2024.
AW highlighted that it is critical that a contingency is made within TEO’s 2024/25 budgets for this gap funding to continue in the event of any delays in the approval process at SEUPB – as outlined in risk STG60.
The Board noted VSS SMT engaged extensively with TEO in Q3 to develop costed options for a multi-annual business case in respect of MBMLW. It is anticipated that the business case will be approved in advance of 1 April 2024 and VSS aim to appoint the service delivery providers in the coming months. External funding call is currently open for c&v service providers to submit applications.
It was noted that the Truth Recovery Programme continues to make progress towards implementing the key areas of the Truth Recovery Strategy. A call for action to provide testimony to the independent panel is expected in early 2024.
- Need of the Bereaved
The Board noted CVS published advice to government on the provision of a bereaved payment scheme and services for people bereaved as a result of the Troubles/conflict in December 2023. It was noted the advice contains a range of elements for a proposed financial Scheme. AW acknowledged the media attention following the publication in December.
It was noted that VSS continue to support the bereaved with the available SDA scheme, and the individual needs-based awards, alongside the various supports and services available within C&V organisations under VSP.
The Board noted frustrations remain in respect of the TPDPS scheme, primarily around speed of cases, application of criteria and communications. It was noted there has been recent challenging media attention in respect of this.
AW advised the Board that VSS led (alongside VPB) two workshop sessions on 11 and 22 January 2024, involving VPB Board and staff, VSS, Support Groups and Capita. It was noted the workshops focused on a small number of key areas to explore possible improvements to the delivery of the scheme.
It was noted the TPDPS leaflet is now anticipated to take place in February 2024.
Other areas of discussion:
The Board noted achievements in respect of RTN, TPDPS, VSP, and VSS Victims Choice Quality Mark as outlined in the CEO exception report.
The Board noted the ALB quarterly report and rationale provided from AW in respect of the targets at risk (red status).
BG raised a question around the resignation of the Commissioner for Victims and Survivors and asked if there is an update on the appointment of a new Commissioner.
F1.1 Budget Report
An update on the 23/24 budget was provided, as per the December 2023 budget report. The following points were highlighted:
- Indicative Spring Supp Monitoring Allocation has been provided, with allocation letter to follow.
- Easements declared in HIA and MBMLW arising from INP frameworks plus MBMLW LoO revisions and are reflected in the SOS Spring Supp Monitoring Allocation.
- Budget V4 is being finalised to conclude internal budget reallocations. It was noted this will give an understanding of the final projected spend in line with the 1.5% tolerance target.
F1.2 Strategic Risk Register
The Board noted updates within the Strategic Risk Register.
CMcA raised a query relating to STG73 and STG57, which was clarified and noted.
F2 Quarterly ALB Performance Report
The Board noted this paper.
F3 Quarterly Assurance Statement
The Board noted this paper.
F4 M&E Quarterly Reports Q3 2023/24
The Board noted the following reports.
- M&E Outcome Report -Tc – Q3 2023-24
- M&E Outcome Report - HIA – Q3 2023-24
- M&E Outcome Report - MBMLW – Q3 2023-24
It was noted management will revisit the M&E quarterly reporting format for Q4.
G Board Subcommittees
G1 Audit and Risk Committee (Verbal Update)
An update was provided on the VSS Audit and Risk Committee. The following key points were noted:
- The C&AG certified the 2022-23 financial statements, with an unqualified audit opinion, without modification on 11 December 2023.
- VSS Management provided a response to the draft RTTCWG in January 2024. The final report has now been agreed.
- The Human Resources audit has now been completed, resulting in a ‘Satisfactory’ rating, with no recommendations made. The Board noted positive outcome and commended the HR team for the work carried out.
G2 Health and Wellbeing Committee (Verbal Update)
PH provided an update on the Health and Wellbeing Committee. The following key points were noted:
- Action point relating to the recruitment/co-opting of additional Clinical Expertise remains ongoing.
- Induction plan to be reviewed based on feedback from Chair of Committee and other VSS induction packs.
- Level 1 and Level 2 Trauma Training for VSS Board members is scheduled to take place on 26.01.24.
H Board Workplan and Development
H1 Board Attendance and Work Plan
The Board noted this paper.
CMcA raised discussion around the appraisal review process and the objectives of the VSS Board. It was agreed the Board will meet in the coming months to review this.
25.01.24 - AP2: Board schedule of matters to be reviewed.
H2 Board Training Questionnaire
The Board noted this paper.
H3 Board Self-Assessment Update
TL provided an update on the Board self-assessment actions.
I Standing Agenda Items
I1 Compliance Update
TL provided an update on the Compliance Report for the quarter ending 31 December 2023 and highlighted the following:
- 2 open suspected fraud cases. One is a longstanding and previously reported case concerning respite invoices, which has now proceeded to court and will be monitored with a view to moving to debt recovery. The other is a new case (Nov 2023) and has been referred to IAS.
- 3 debtor balances currently outstanding.
- 2 whistleblowing allegations received in the quarter. A governance review has taken place in respect of one allegation and findings of report have been collated into an improvement plan. Investigations are currently underway by VSS in respect of the second allegation.
- 2 complaints received in the quarter. One complainant advised to raise complaint with NIPSO.
- 2 complaints have been made to the Ombudsman during 2023/24, both have been closed with the decision to not accept for investigation.
- 37 Subject Access Requests were received in the quarter, 35 of which related to the TPDPS. In addition, 68 requests for information have been received directly from the Victims’ Payments Board/Capita.
- Call handling stats as at 31 December 2023 were noted by the Board.
I2 Client Risk Update
NN provided an update on the Client Risk report.
The Board noted the challenging engagements recorded and they recognise the potential risk to staff health and wellbeing arising from frequent exposure to challenging behaviours or subject matters. It was noted Clinical Supervision remains in place and is available to all staff who wish to avail.
The Board noted the number of individuals listed on the Client Risk Register and Safeguarding Client Risk Register in the period. NN advised all individuals were supported in line with VSS’s Client Risk Management Policy with no further action required from VSS at this time.
AW provided an update on the VSS Communications Plan for 2024 as per agenda item J1.
The Board noted key dates and advised they were content with the 2024 Comms Plan.
K Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Thursday 22 January 2024.