Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 98
Board Meeting Type: Quarter End Board Meeting
Friday 27 October at 10:00am
Maldron Hotel, Belfast
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
John Cahill (JC) Board Member
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member
Sandra Horley (SH) Board Member
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member
Catriona MacArthur (CMA) Board Member
Brian Gilfedder (BG) Board Member
Lisa Brown (LB) Boardroom Apprentice
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Andrew Walker (AW) Chief Executive Officer
Tara Lewsley (TL) Head of Corporate Services
Nicola Nugent (NN) Head of Health and Wellbeing
Emma Dargan (ED) Acting Head of Service Development
Melissa McCartan (MM) Business Support Officer (Minutes)
OW welcomed LB to the Board meeting and initiated introductions for everyone in attendance.
A Apologies
No apologies.
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
C Action Points
The Board noted all action points have been closed, with the exception of one longstanding AP relating to MSFM Ref 4.4.3.
Action points arising from 27 October 2023:
27.10.23 – AP1: ARC minutes to be agreed via email correspondence and issued ahead of Quarterly Boards.
D Conflict of Interest
Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were declared.
D1 Supplier List / Agenda Items
The Board noted this paper.
D2 Declaration Form
The Board noted this paper.
E Chair’s Report
The Board noted this paper.
F Quarter 2 Reporting – September 2023
F1 CEO Exception Report
AW provided the Board with an update on the following key areas:
1. Budget Position
The Board noted significant progress has been made in addressing budget concerns during the quarter.
It was noted a review of Troubles/conflict budget in Q2 has provided easements of £264k against the current budget provision. AW advised this has been transferred and set against the pressure currently identified within the PEACE Gap budget, allowing for extension to letters of offers (for groups with costs previously funded by PEACE IV) to 31 March 2024. This has allowed for a de-escalation of strategic risk STG60. The Board noted the pressure on budget this year has been resolved. AW noted that in context of single year budgets – similar pressures could arise again next year.
The Board noted additional TPDPS funding of £354k was secured from TEO to meet the increased demand for community provided Health and Wellbeing services, and that £360k has been awarded across 17 organisations. It was noted that this has allowed for a de-escalation of strategic risk STG65.
AW highlighted that pressures do, however, continue to be seen as a result of TPDPS application levels and also new/returning clients presenting complex needs, the cost-of-living crisis, waiting lists and also an anticipated increase in demand following the TPDPS awareness campaign (planned for January 2024). It was noted VSS and TEO are in agreement that the increasing level of demand in this area is a key priority and are looking at how to build on that capacity going forward (remainder of this year, and 2024/25).
For new members, the Chair and AW provided some context around TPDPS, including the application process, deadline dates, TPDPS Real Time Review and VSS’ input.
2. Staffing Structure
The Board noted that progress towards approval of the business case has been much slower than anticipated and VSS are now facing delays to recruitment. AW advised that this means VSS staff are continuing to operate significantly under capacity, causing significant risks to staff health and wellbeing, negatively impacting on morale and the potential for increased risk in areas such as compliance and clinical risk management. It was noted strategic risk STG51 has been escalated to a RED risk to reflect this.
The Board highlighted their concern and agreed this is an urgent priority. It was noted the Board will seek an update on this at the next Board meeting and agree action if no approval/update received at that stage.
3. Mother & Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses
It was noted VSS continues to provide services beyond the 12-month pilot period, with an extension of project approved until 31 March 2024. AW highlighted VSS is engaged with TEO to secure funding for a multi-annual business case and is making preparations towards the publication of an open call process in early Q4, with a multi-year contract for community service provision expected to be in place by April 2024.
It is expected that the Independent Panel, which will gather evidence to inform a public enquiry, will receive testimony over the coming months.
4. Other matters
The Board also noted updates in relation to TPDPS Real Time Review, developments on the needs of the Bereaved and the Legacy Act becoming law.
It was noted AW and ED are due to meet with Advocacy Groups over the coming weeks to plan ahead for the delivery of PEACE Plus and explore the positions and plans in which they intend to work with families and individuals over the coming years.
F1.1 Budget Report
TL provided an update on the 23/24 budget, as per the September 2023 budget report. The following points were highlighted:
- Core T/c budget showing easement of £264k.
- VSS budget review V2 has identified internal areas of savings which address the PEACE Gap funding deficit. The Board noted LoO’s have now been extended to March 2024.
- HIA Budget showing easement of £25k.
- MBMLW showing easement of £121k (and expected to increase in further detailed review). The Board noted activity levels are lower than anticipated. Q2 group claims and detailed review of INP required to finalise FY position with a view to surrendering budget to TEO in this ringfenced area.
- TPDPS budget includes £360k for additional call, leaving pressure of £23k (which will be managed/resolved over coming months).
TL highlighted that any additional savings found following the V3 budget exercise will be redirected to current pressures in the form a funding call out to Groups (reflecting the significant needs being regularly highlighted by community partner organisations).
BG asked how VSS plan to manage next year’s budget in light of these pressures. It was noted VSS are undertaking 2 key budget exercises with TEO and these will form the basis of the opening position for 2024/25.
The Board noted they are content with the newly formatted budget report and acknowledged the work that has gone into it.
F1.2 Strategic Risk Register
The Board noted updates within the Strategic Risk Register.
CMcA asked for clarification on risk STG 69, relating to MBMLW progress and the delay in the implementation of key recommendations in the Truth Recovery Strategy, which was clarified by NN and noted.
F2 Quarterly ALB Performance Report
The Board noted this paper.
F3 Quarterly Assurance Statement
The Board noted this paper. CMcA raised a query relating to AR205, closure of VSP, which was clarified and noted.
OW asked for an update on VSS’ Trauma Informed Quality Mark accreditation. NN advised the Board that TEO are working in partnership with Safeguarding Board for NI who are funding VSS’ accreditation as part of a project to evaluate providers. It was noted the implementation plan has been agreed and completion is anticipated within the next 6-9 months.
F4 M&E Quarterly Reports Q2 2022/23
The Board noted the following reports.
- M&E Outcome Report -Tc – Q2 2023-24
- M&E Outcome Report - HIA – Q2 2023-24
- M&E Outcome Report - MBMLW – Q2 2023-24
CMcA raised a query relating to social support evaluation and outcomes. It was agreed this will be picked up and discussed at the Health & Wellbeing Committee meeting.
G Board Subcommittees
G1 Audit and Risk Committee (Verbal Update)
An update was provided on the VSS Audit and Risk Committee. It was agreed minutes of ARC meetings will now be agreed by email correspondence and issued the following week ahead of the quarterly Board as a way of recent update.
There was discussion around upcoming ARC meetings and implementing a hybrid approach of online and in person meetings going forward.
G2 Health and Wellbeing Committee (Verbal Update)
PH provided an update on the Health and Wellbeing Committee. The following key points were noted:
- CMcA has been appointed onto the Health and Wellbeing Committee and will attend her first meeting in November.
- LB will also join the upcoming Health and Wellbeing Committee meetings to provide additional support.
- Induction plan to be developed based on feedback from Chair of Committee and other VSS induction packs.
- Review needed of HWB Committee work and action plan.
- Action point relating to the recruitment/co-opting of additional Clinical Expertise remains ongoing.
H Board Workplan and Development
H1 Board Attendance and Work Plan
The Board noted this paper. It was agreed BSO will recirculate Board 2022-23 appraisal templates for completion.
H2 Board Training Questionnaire
The Board noted this paper.
CMcA raised a query relating to the required level of financial training, which was clarified and noted.
H3 Board Self-Assessment Update
TL provided an update on the Board self-assessment actions.
In respect of Action 4, the Chair provided some context on the draft Partnership Agreement for new Board members information and the aim of the new arrangement.
I Standing Agenda Items
I1 Compliance Update
TL presented the Compliance Report for the quarter ending 30 September 2023 and highlighted the following:
- 1 open suspected fraud case. This is a longstanding and previously reported case.
- 3 debtor balances currently outstanding.
- No whistleblowing allegations received in the quarter (1 post q/e – resulting in an ongoing review).
- 4 FOI requests were received in the quarter.
- 2 complaints received in the quarter and referred to VSS Board for review, of which one concluded the complaint was not upheld and other remains ongoing.
- 1 complaint was made to the Ombudsman in the quarter, currently under assessment by NIPSO. The complaint made in Q1 was closed by NIPSO with the decision to not accept the complaint for investigation.
- 54 Subject Access Requests were received in the quarter, 53 of which related to TPDPS. In addition, 119 requests for information have been received directly from the Victims’ Payments Board/Capita.
- Percentage of Troubles/conflict missed calls has increased slightly this year due to staff shortages within the team, which is currently being addressed.
- 2 data incidents were recorded during the period, both of which did not require ICO notification.
I2 Client Risk Update
NN provided an update on the Client Risk report.
The Board noted there has been an increase in challenging engagements recorded and they recognise the potential risk to staff health and wellbeing arising from frequent exposure to challenging behaviours or subject matters. In an effort to respond to this, NN noted VSS has introduced Clinical Supervision from 1 October 2023 which is available to all front-line staff on a monthly basis.
The Board noted ED and team are setting out a programme of events for Group Visits as part of the induction process for new Board members.
K Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Thursday 23 November 2023.