Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 99
Board Meeting Type: Strategic Board Meeting
Thursday 23 November at 10:00am
Maldron Hotel, Belfast
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member
John Cahill (JC) Board Member
Sandra Horley (SH) Board Member
Catriona MacArthur (CMA) Board Member
Brian Gilfedder (BG) Board Member
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Andrew Walker (AW) Chief Executive Officer
Tara Lewsley (TL) Head of Corporate Services
Nicola Nugent (NN) Head of Health & Wellbeing
Emma Dargan (ED) Acting Head of Service Development
Melissa McCartan (MM) Business Support Officer (minutes)
Arlene O’Connor (AOC) Brown O’Connor Communications
Lisa Brown, Boardroom Apprentice
A Communications Planning Session – Brown O’Connor
The Chair welcomed Arlene O’Connor, Director of Brown O’Connor Communications to the VSS Board meeting and initiated introductions.
AOC delivered a presentation to the VSS Board and covered the following key points:
- Brown O’Connor background and areas of practice.
- VSS journey; brand and comms evolvement
- NI political landscape; formation of next executive, political engagement, and horizon scanning.
AOC then engaged in an insight discovery / Q&A session with the VSS Board and SMT to inform next year’s VSS communications plan.
23.11.23 – AP1: AW and AOC to develop 2024 comms plan informed by the discussion at November Board.
Arlene O’Connor left the meeting at 12:05 noon.
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
C Conflict of Interest
Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were declared.
D Risk Management Strategy
TL presented the VSS Risk Management Strategy for Board review.
As part of the annual review of the VSS Risk Management Strategy, the Board noted that SMT have reviewed the internal controls processes for Risk Management at both operational and strategic levels. TL highlighted that the updated strategy contains minor changes to text only which was provided in tracked change format ahead of the Board meeting.
BG raised a query relating to the Programme Delivery category of risk, which was clarified and noted.
The Board noted the Risk Appetite of VSS remains the same and appropriate to the current environment. The Board confirmed they were content and approved the Risk Management Strategy as at November 2023.
E1 CEO update by exception reporting (Verbal update)
AW provided an update on VSS Victims Choice Award renewal. It was noted VSS has successfully been awarded the Quality Mark for a further three years. On behalf of the Board, OW noted this is a significant step for the organisation and expressed appreciation and praise to all staff involved.
The Board asked for an update on VSS Trauma Informed Quality Mark. NN advised the process has commenced in partnership with the Safeguarding Board for NI and an independent trauma-informed supplier. It was noted the implementation plan has been agreed and completion of the ‘Silver Quality Mark Process’ is anticipated within the next 6-9 months.
In light of the recent announcement of the Commissioner for Victims and Survivors resignation, the Board noted updates in respect of CVS Advice to Government on a Bereaved Payment Scheme.
AW provided an update on PEACE PLUS. It was noted confirmation has been received from SEUPB in relation to the processing of VSS’ application, and a small number of clarifications issued for VSS response. VSS responded promptly. There is currently no indication that the deadline of 1 April 2024 cannot be met.
An update was provided on the VSS Staffing Structure. As highlighted at the previous Board meeting, progress towards approval of the business case has been much slower than anticipated, negatively impacting staff morale and the potential of increased risk in areas such as compliance and clinical risk management. AW noted it is understood that the business case is now in the final stages of approval. The Board noted a number of live VSS vacancies currently out for recruitment.
E2 ARC re-appointment
The Board approved the re-appointment of Briege Lafferty, VSS Audit and Risk Committee member for a second term.
E3 Other matters
In response to one existing Board member’s term ending in December 2023, and two in March 2024, OW advised the topic of Board recruitment was again flagged to TEO this week and it is understood that TEO are progressing the recruitment process.
The Board noted there has been no progress to date in Business Contingency Plan, with VSS confirming that whist the preference is to align with the TEO review, a re-assessment of options may be required if the TEO piece is further delayed.
TL provided an update on the closure of VSS Dungannon Office, following a consultation issued to all staff and a range of stakeholders in Q2. The Board noted next steps, particularly in respect of staff impact.
To conclude, the Chair acknowledged today will be BMcD last Board meeting ahead of her term ending on 3 December 2023. On behalf of the Board and SMT, OW thanked BMcD for her dedicated service and significant contributions and support to victims and survivors, VSS staff and those across the sector over the last decade.
BMcD extended appreciation to her fellow Board colleagues and VSS staff and noted it has been a privilege to serve on the VSS Board since 2013.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Thursday 7 December 2023 (remote meeting – single item agenda for Accounts and Annual Report approval post-audit, and consideration of audit outcome/findings).
Meeting closed at 1:00pm.