Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 96
Board Meeting Type: Quarter End Board Meeting
Thursday 24 August at 10:00am
Europa Hotel, Belfast
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
John Cahill (JC) Board Member
Sandra Horley (SH) Board Member
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Andrew Walker (AW) Chief Executive Officer
Tara Lewsley (TL) Head of Corporate Services
Nicola Nugent (NN) Acting Head of Health and Wellbeing
Emma Dargan (ED) Acting Head of Service Development
Melissa McCartan (MM) Business Support Officer (Minutes)
A Apologies
Apologies received from Patricia Haren, VSS Board Member.
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
C Action Points
31.03.20 – AP1: Board to review structure and mix of skills of Health and Wellbeing Committee. This AP remains ongoing.
It was noted two new members have been appointed to VSS Board as at 23 August 2023, along with a new Boardroom Apprentice who is due to start in September 2023. Further exercise for ongoing recruitment for new Chairperson and additional Board members expected to take place in October 2023.
It was agreed SH and JC will complete a skills audit to inform the new Board recruitment process.
24.08.23 - AP1: SH and JC to complete skills audit to inform the new Board recruitment process.
22.06.23 – AP1: Closed.
D Conflict of Interest
Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were declared.
D1 Supplier List / Agenda Items
The Board noted this paper.
D2 Declaration Form
The Board noted this paper.
E Chair’s Report
The Board noted this paper.
F Quarter 1 Reporting – June 2023
F1 CEO Exception Report
AW provided the Board with an update on the following key areas:
Budget Position
It was noted VSS received confirmation of opening 2023/24 budget allocation on 30 June 2023. All ringfenced budgets in respect of HIA, MBMLW, and TPDPS have been provided at the levels requested by VSS.
Funds in respect of the Troubles/conflict core funding has also been provided at the requested levels, except for the funding required to maintain the PEACE activity, within the gap period between PEACE IV and PEACEPLUS project. The Board noted the identified shortfall of funds in respect of this and that VSS continue to engage with TEO on the matter.
AW advised VSS will continue to explore the potential for availability of some additional funding to meet needs associated with the TPDPS and to undertake detailed reviews of the VSS budget position and evaluate options available to make further in-year savings.
Level of demand across the sector
The Board noted the demand for services at community and voluntary sector partners are at record levels, as well as the demand on VSS INP frameworks.
AW highlighted reasons considered for this increase, which include TPDPS application levels and the health and wellbeing support that arises from these applications, cost of living crisis, reduction of available support in statutory services for health and wellbeing needs, and the impact of the proposed arrangements for Legacy within the NI Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill.
It was noted that with the addition of RTN activity, and a proposed TPDPS leaflet drop to all NI households in the coming months, it is also likely to result in an increased resource requirement within key community partners. To be discussed with TEO.
The Board asked for feedback on the impact of the HIA leaflet drop, which took place in May 2023. NN advised there has been a positive impact, with an uptake of approx. 500 individuals for support and services to date.
Staffing Structure
The Board noted the VSS Staffing Business Case is back with VSS, with comments made by TEO. AW advised this will be discussed at the next Accountability meeting between VSS and TEO.
Peace Plus
The Board noted the PEACE PLUS funding call opened on 16 June 2023 and VSS submitted the application on 15 August 2023.
Needs of the Bereaved
There was discussion around the needs of the Bereaved. AW shared details on an upcoming event which marks the release of the QUB Human Rights Centre
report ‘More than a number: Reparations for those Bereaved during the Troubles’.
F1.1 Budget Report
The Board provided feedback on the current financial reporting approach to the VSS Board and Audit and Risk Committee. It was agreed the Chair of VSS Board will meet with the Chair of ARC to discuss further.
F1.2 Strategic Risk Register
The Board noted updates within the Strategic Risk Register.
F2 Quarterly ALB Performance Report
The Board noted this paper.
F3 Quarterly Assurance Statement
The Board noted this paper. BMcD raised a query relating to point 4.1 of the report, which was clarified and noted.
F4 M&E Quarterly Reports Q1 2022/23
The Board noted the following reports, while mentioning the addition of the MBMLW report.
- M&E Outcome Report -Tc - Q1 2023-24
- M&E Outcome Report - HIA - Q1 2023-24
- M&E Outcome Report - MBMLW - Q1 2023-24
G Board Subcommittees
G1 Audit and Risk Committee (Verbal Update)
BMcD and JC provided an update on the Audit and Risk Committee.
It was noted the 2022/23 Internal Audit Plan has been completed. The Annual Assurance Statement concluded that overall, there is a Satisfactory system of governance, risk management and control in place.
G2 Health and Wellbeing Committee (Verbal Update)
NN provided an update on the Health and Wellbeing Committee.
H Board Workplan and Development
H1 Board Attendance and Work Plan
The Board noted this paper and agreed their 2023/24 objectives as per Annex 2.
24.08.23 – AP2: Invite to be issued to Brown O’Connor to attend November 2023 Board meeting for a stakeholder mapping and planning session.
H2 Board Training Questionnaire
The Board noted this paper.
H3 Board Self-Assessment Update
TL provided an update on the Board self-assessment actions. The following key points were noted:
- SH and JC to carry out a skills audit to identify any skills gaps, giving consideration to the timing of new appointments.
- Board Induction Programme changes have been implemented ahead of new board appointments, with process under continual review.
The Board also noted the Board Effectiveness Survey results.
I Standing Agenda Items
I1 Compliance Update
TL presented the Compliance Report for the quarter ending 30 June 2023 and highlighted the following:
- 1 open suspected fraud case. This is a longstanding and previously reported case.
- 3 debtor balances currently outstanding.
- 1 whistleblowing allegation received in February 2023 (not previously reported).
- 8 complaints received in the quarter, all of which have now been closed and not upheld.
- 1 complaint was made to the Ombudsman in the quarter, currently under assessment by NIPSO.
- 37 Subject Access Requests were received in the quarter all relating to the TPDPS. In addition, 72 requests for information have been received directly from the Victims’ Payments Board/Capita.
- Incoming calls (Troubles/conflict phoneline) increased during April. This is in line with expectation of a high volume of queries relating to the SDA payments in April.
- Incoming calls (HIA & MBMLW phoneline) increased during June 2023 as a result of the awareness leaflet drop from TEO to all households in NI.
- 1 data incident was recorded during the period. Investigation concluded that there had been no data breach and this was closed.
I2 Client Risk Update
NN provided an update on the Client Risk report.
The Board noted there has been an increase in challenging engagements recorded. NN advised that VSS HWB (non clinical) staff will soon be able to avail of clinical supervision support, as well as accessing the Health and Wellbeing Programme.
The Chair invited a discussion on GDPR in light of the recent public sector data breach. AW advised VSS has taken the opportunity to revisit GDPR training and a reminder of good data protection has been issued to all staff, highlighting the appropriate processes and controls to manage and ensure safety of data.
The Board agreed it would be appropriate for VSS to issue correspondence to the Funded Organisations to highlight their responsibilities in respect of GDPR.
There was discussion around the provision of framework support to victims & survivors in which a family member would be the service provider. VSS Procurement Policy to be updated to reflect the areas agreed by the Board.
TL advised the Senior Management Team, along with HR, are considering the future of VSS Dungannon office and took the opportunity to consult with the Board to take into consideration their views as to how any decision may impact the support VSS provides to victims and survivors. The Board noted the several factors which have contributed to VSS considering the future of the office space, and that management will issue a consultation to all staff and a range of stakeholders over the coming weeks to gather their thoughts.
The Board and SMT then agreed key areas of discussion ahead of their upcoming meeting with Sir Declan Morgan on 31 August 2023.
K Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Thursday 21 September 2023