Minutes of the VSS Health & Wellbeing Committee

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Remote via Zoom


HWB Committee Members Present:

Patricia Haren (PH)                      VSS Board Member & Committee Chair

Sandra Horley (SH)                      VSS Board Member

Sarah Knight (SK)                         VSS Board Apprentice


VSS Officers in Attendance

Nicola Nugent (NN)                      VSS Head of Health and Wellbeing

Ciara Boyle (CB)                          VSS Health and Wellbeing Case Manager

Karen Morgan (KM)                     VSS Health and Wellbeing Case Manager

Melissa McCartan (MM)              Business Support Officer (minutes)



A      Apologies


No apologies received.         



B      Minutes of Previous Meetings


The minutes of the previous HWB Committee meeting held on 23 February 2023 were agreed.  



C      Action Points


NN provided an update on the outstanding action points, noting all have been completed or are on track for completion, with the exception of two longstanding action points:


08.02.20 – AP5: Additional Clinical Expertise to be recruited / co-opted onto Committee.

It was noted HOCS has been in contact with TEO for an update and this will be communicated to the Committee in due course.

05.12.18 - AP5: NISCC registration for funded organisations and Caseworkers required.   

NN to seek an update on progress.


Action Points arising from Wednesday 17 May 2023:

17.05.23 – AP1: VSS to present figures in respect of TPDPS offers to date to VSS Board.

17.05.23 – AP2: PH to seek clarity around the review of Health and Wellbeing Committee Effectiveness for 2022/23 year and rotation of HWB Committee Chairperson. 



D      Policies: New & Under Development


D1    Serious Adverse Incident Policy


The Committee reviewed the Serious Adverse Incident Policy and approved for Board review.



D2    DNA Testing Governance Framework


The Committee reviewed the DNA Testing Governance Framework and agreed that this framework will remain ongoing/under review.


NN provided the Committee with an update on the DNA Testing pilot currently in place and noted VSS plan to outsource an external evaluator to access the effectiveness of the pilot. NN anticipates timeline for the review to be Summer 2023. 


SH suggested a change of wording within the evaluation questionnaire. It was noted VSS Health and Wellbeing Committee will be kept informed on the progress of this.



E      Training & Development


E1    TI Quality Mark Action Plan


KM provided an update on progress made in respect of the Trauma Informed Quality Mark Action Plan.  For context around this, KM also presented the Trauma Informed Systems Toolkit on screen and discussed with the Committee.


It was noted this is an ongoing piece of work and that VSS have identified a Working Group who will look at how to implement the 5 principles highlighted over the next number of weeks.


PH asked for an update on timeline and costs. KM anticipates end of Summer 2023 timeline to achieve both the Bronze and Silver Trauma award.


It was noted that all VSS Staff and Board Members will take part in mandatory trauma informed training and learning.



F      Clinical Governance


F1 - Client Risk / Safeguarding / Serious Adverse Incidents


The Committee noted the Client Risk Update for the previous quarter.


SH raised the question of whether front line staff are reporting all challenging phone calls received or is it possible that some staff have become accustomed to calls of this nature, and as a result, don’t record.


NN advised that all staff are encouraged to report any calls they feel are challenging and further noted the VSS Staff Health and Wellbeing Plan in place to support staff should they need it.


G     Quarter End Outcomes Report


The Committee noted the outcomes based ME report for Q4 22-23.  



H      Service Development


         Historical Institutional Abuse


CB and NN updated the Committee on the HIA awareness campaign, which consisted of newspaper adverts and country-wide leaflet drops across all homes at the end of May 2023.  It was noted VSS are due to meet with HIA Case Workers in June to look at the effectiveness of the campaign.


         Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses


CB provided an update on MBMLW. The Committee noted that the work of the Consultative Forum and Truth Recovery Programme remains ongoing. CB highlighted that TEO have recently appointed an Independent Panel to progress the work of the Truth Recovery Programme and begin to look at a statutory public inquiry.


It was noted that VSS are hoping to arrange a meeting with Co-Chairs and members of TRP Independent Panel as a way of introduction and an opportunity to continue to raise awareness of the support and services available within VSS.


CB to also arrange a date with SH and VSS Board member JC to deliver background training on Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses.


Troubles Permanent Disablement Scheme


NN provided an update on the Troubles Permanent Disablement Scheme. The Committee noted the scheme continues to operate on a backlog in terms of the process of applications. NN advised most Groups are now able to better manage waiting lists with the additional welfare resource, however, VSS will continue to look at options to progress applications/reduce waiting lists.

17.05.23 – AP1: VSS to present figures in respect of TPDPS offers to date to VSS Board.


Regional Trauma Network


The Committee noted the RTN referral pathways are now operational since 6 April 2023. NN advised activity has been slow to date, with approx. 17 referrals received between community partner organisations and statutory services.


It was noted that the Regional Trauma Network hope to launch their substantive rollout early October 2023, with a phased based approach across the sector.


Clerical Abuse


No significant update.



I       Staff Welfare and Support


CB highlighted work is due to recommence in respect of the VSS Staff Health and Wellbeing Working Group, which will now be led by HR. The Committee noted HR are currently exploring different activities to support and promote staff health and wellbeing, alongside working group members across all departments within VSS. The Committee asked to be kept informed on the progress of this.



J      Health and Wellbeing Work Plan


The Committee noted the Health and Wellbeing Work Plan.


SH raised a question around the process of reviewing the HWB Committee effectiveness for 2022/23 year. It was agreed PH will raise this with Chair of VSS Board to seek clarity on process following a break in the Committee during this period.  


17.05.23 – AP2: PH to seek clarity around the review of Health and Wellbeing Committee Effectiveness for 2022/23 year and rotation of HWB Committee Chairperson.  


K      AOB  



Date of Next Meeting


The next VSS Health and Wellbeing Committee meeting is scheduled to take place on 13 September 2023.