Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 95
Board Meeting Type: Strategic Board Meeting
Thursday 22 June 2023 at 10:00am
Europa Hotel
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member
John Cahill (JC) Board Member
Sandra Horley (SH) Board Member
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Andrew Walker (AW) Chief Executive Officer
Tara Lewsley (TL) Head of Corporate Services
Nicola Nugent (NN) Acting Head of Health and Wellbeing
Emma Dargan (ED) Acting Head of Service Development
Melissa McCartan (MM) Business Support Officer (Minutes)
A Apologies
Apologies received from Sarah Knight, Boardroom Apprentice.
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
C Conflict of Interest
Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were declared.
D South East Fermanagh Foundation (SEFF) Presentation
The Chair welcomed Kenny Donaldson and Pete Murtagh of SEFF to the VSS Board meeting and initiated introductions.
SEFF delivered a presentation to the VSS Board and engaged in a Q&A session thereafter. Areas of discussion included the background of SEFF and future plans, services and support programmes provided, and special ongoing projects.
The Chair thanked SEFF for their informative presentation and discussions.
SEFF left the meeting at 11:30am.
E VSS Corporate Plan 2023-26
TL presented the draft VSS Corporate Plan 2023-26 for discussion and highlighted change of wording to strategic outcome 5. TL asked Board members to review the Corporate Plan in their own time and provide any comments/feedback via email by Thursday 29 June 2023.
SH commended VSS team for the recent work carried out on the VSS Corporate & Delivery Plan.
F Board Induction Process
The Board engaged in a feedback discussion in relation to the VSS Board Induction Programme and explored ways to restructure and improve the process for future Board members.
G Hybrid Working Policy
The Board reviewed and approved the VSS Hybrid Working Policy. The chair requested for this policy to be reviewed again in 12 months.
On behalf of the VSS Board, the Chair congratulated AW on his appointment as VSS Chief Executive Officer.
AW thanked the Board and noted that is a privilege to continue to lead the organisation, whilst ensuring the effective delivery of its support and services to victims and survivors who have been impacted by the Troubles/conflict, HIA, and MBMLW.
The Board noted the funding call for the PEACE PLUS Programme has now opened and VSS are working on a final review of the application. It was agreed staff will keep VSS Board informed on the application process and share any key milestones.
The Board also acknowledged the recent appointment of ICRIR Chief Commissioner, Sir Declan Morgan. It was agreed VSS will extend a letter of invite to the Chief Commissioner to meet with VSS Board to discuss VSS’ role and the support provided to victims and survivors (particularly in respect of Advocacy), and to hear some more detail on the current plans for the ICRIR.
22.06.23 - AP1: Issue letter of invite to the ICRIR Chief Commissioner to meet with VSS Board.
I Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Thursday 24 August 2023.
Meeting closed.