Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 94
Board Meeting Type: Quarter End Board Meeting
Thursday 20 April at 10:00am
Clayton Hotel
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member
John Cahill (JC) Board Member
Sandra Horley (SH) Board Member
Sarah Knight (SK) Boardroom Apprentice
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Andrew Walker (AW) Interim Chief Executive Officer
Tara Lewsley (TL) Head of Corporate Services
Nicola Nugent (NN) Acting Head of Health and Wellbeing
Emma Dargan (ED) Acting Head of Service Development
Carol Carmichael (CC) Interim Programmes Manager
Lynsey Archibald (LA) Business Support Officer (Minutes)
TEO Staff in Attendance:
Patrick Gallagher (PG) Director of Victims and Survivors
Sinead Brown (SB) Head of Victims and Survivors Unit
Update from Patrick Gallagher – TEO
PG and SB from TEO attended the start of the Board Meeting, to update on a number of matters.
· Budget 23/24
PG updated the board on the current difficulties being faced within government departments across NI in respect of the block grant and allocations of funding. It was noted that VSS have been provided with an indicative budget to allow for continued operation and that the next steps for TEO were to complete and publish an EQIA, expected at end of April 2023.
PEACE Gap funding was discussed, with AW outlining a current budget shortfall which will be quantified and discussed with TEO at the earliest opportunity.
· Strategy
TEO are preparing to submit a draft of the victims strategy to its Board next week, which has been drafted through a co-design process involving TEO, CVS and VSS as well as engagement with the Victims and survivors sector. Due to Ministers not being in post, PG/SB advised that the draft could be agreed by July/August and then sent for public consultation, outside of normal process. PH asked if there was cross departmental awareness of the strategy, with SB confirming that when in post Ministers had been aware of the strategy and on return and adoption of this strategy, they would feedback through their teams to ensure a joined-up, trauma-informed approach across all government departments.
PG updated that the draft seeks to protect the flexibility surrounding victims services, to reflect their changing demographic of Victims and survivors as the population ages. It also seeks to take account of acknowledgment and truth/justice services, in context of the of the potential Legacy and Reconciliation (Northern Ireland Troubles) Bill. Part of this includes a review of approaches to transgenerational trauma, so that the new strategy addresses the needs of survivors.
· Board Appointments
TEO staff will make a submission to the TEO Permanent Secretary to make two new VSS Board appointments, given BM’s term ending in December 2023, and OW’s/PH’s terms both ending in March 2024. The need for clinical and HR expertise within the VSS Board membership was reaffirmed by AW, in line with previous discussions with TEO.
A Northern Ireland-wide leaflet drop is scheduled to take place after the May council elections, as part of the TEO awareness campaign.
· Other
PG updated that procurement is underway to conduct research around Clerical Abuse, which should conclude in the next few weeks.
TEO Staff, PG and SB left the meeting.
A Apologies
Apologies received from BM.
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes were accepted.
D Board Action Points
1 – To revisit with the appointment of new Board Members
2 – Ongoing, subject to ministers returning to Stormont
E Conflict of Interest
Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were declared.
E1 Supplier List/Agenda Items
The Board noted this paper.
E2 Declaration Form
The Board noted this paper.
F Chair’s Report
The Board noted this paper, and discussed working relationships with CVS. Ian Jeffers, Commissioner for Victims and Survivors to be invited to a future meeting.
AP1 - Ian Jeffers, Commissioner for Victims and Survivors to be invited to a future meeting.
G1 Quarterly Reporting
G1 CEO Exception Report
AW noted that several the areas covered within the exception report have been discussed through the update from PG to the Board already. AW provided an update on the staffing restructure, advising that an agreed process for the completion and approval of a business case to support the revised staffing structure is in place. AW also updated that a new Finance Manager has been appointed with a start date set for May. AW noted that the opening of a referral portal RTN is now operational, and a DNA testing pilot for MBMLW has been established. NN advised that VSS will seek accreditation for the pilot from academics and professionals in the genealogy and DNA testing fields.
AW updated the Board on his attendance at several events commemorating 25 years since the GFA, including a conference at Queen’s University Belfast.
G1.1 Budget Report
AW identified two areas of underspend in MBMLW and TPDPS. In the case of MBMLW, this was a new area for VSS in 2022/23. An initial ‘full year’ budget was allocated to VSS, however significant spend could not commence until the business case for services was approved (June), community partners appointed (August/September) and services launched (30 September). Anticipated spend for the remainder of the year was difficult to quantify (being needs-led and at point of launch). VSS agreed a budget reduction with TEO based on best available estimates of levels of need and demand. Activity against the reduced budget has been lower than anticipated.
TPDPS underspend arose due to difficulties within the labour market encountered by VSS-funded groups.
TEO has been kept informed of this environment throughout the latter stages of the year. NIAO have also been informed of this budget position in audit planning.
TL to submit draft accounts for consolidation to TEO on 28th April.
G1.2 Strategic Risk Register
Four risks were closed in this quarter and four new risks added to register, including one in respect of the flooding at Seatem House.
The Chair acknowledged the significant impact the office flooding has had on VSS working arrangements, with all staff working from home on a full-time basis until the building is declared safe.
G2 Quarterly ALB Performance Report
The Board noted this paper.
G3 Quarterly Assurance Statement
The Board noted this paper.
G4 M&E Quarterly Report Q4 2022/23
All targets met except for two under T/C (Education & Training, and Volunteering). The Board noted these papers.
H Board Subcommittees
H1 Audit and Risk Committee (Verbal Update)
It was noted that the next ARC meeting would take place on Thursday 27 April 2023.
H2 Health and Wellbeing Committee (Verbal Update)
PH provided an update on the 23 February 2023 HWB Committee. Committee reviewed the ToR, Agenda and Workplan, and PH added that future meetings will be synchronised with Board Meeting dates, so that HWB Committee Meeting minutes can be circulated to VSS Board members ahead of meetings.
Next meeting scheduled for 17th May.
I Board Workplan and Development
A strategic Board Meeting to allow a Board self-assessment and objective setting for 2023/24 is to be rescheduled for May 2023, with a presentation from a VSP funded organisation to be arranged.
I1 Board Attendance and Workplan
The Board noted this paper.
I2 Board Training Questionnaire
The Board noted this paper.
I3 Board Self Assessment Update
All action points closed.
J Standing Agenda Items
Trauma Quality Mark
NN updated that VSS is in the process of standing up a working group to establish an action plan and governance framework. Once this is completed, an accreditation application will be submitted.
J1 Compliance Paper
One fraud case noted (longstanding). Decision to write-off one debtor balance has been approved. TL updated that Case 49 is progressing via debtors.
Call handling data shows a sharp increase in calls for March, in line with SDA payment timelines.
Under GDPR updates, the Data-Sharing Agreement between VSS and COSICA has been signed off.
J2 Client Risk Update
The Board noted this paper, no concerns.
Seatem House - AW has been informed that the fourth floor will be usable once the building’s fire alarm has been fixed, but a series of delays have postponed the mid-May return date. In the absence of VSS offices, SDA payments were be completed from TEO offices in Castle Buildings, and SAR requests are being processed from alternative, secure office space.
K Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Thursday 25 May 2023.