Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 92
Board Meeting Type: Quarterly Board Meeting
Tuesday 24 January at 10:00am
Clayton Hotel
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member
John Cahill (JC) Board Member
Sandra Horley (SH) Board Member
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Andrew Walker (AW) Interim Chief Executive Officer
Tara Lewsley (TL) Acting Head of Corporate Services
Nicola Nugent (NN) Acting Head of Health and Wellbeing
Emma Dargan (ED) Acting Head of Service Development
Carla Forte (CF) Programme Support Officer (Minutes)
A Apologies
No Apologies
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes V12 were accepted. V11 Minutes were accepted but wording in the document will be looked at for revision as highlighted by BMcD.
C Action Points
AW provided an update on the outstanding actions points. The following key points were noted:
It was agreed that SH would join the Health & Wellbeing Committee & JC would join the Audit & Risk Committee. It was also noted that if an Executive is not in place by April TEO will look to appointment two additional members to the board. The needs of the Committees will be fed back to TEO to assist the Permanent Secretary with the selection process.
D Conflict of Interest
Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest. No conflict of interests were declared.
D1 Supplier List / Agenda Items
The Board noted this paper.
D2 Declaration Form
No conflicts of interest were declared.
E Chair’s Report
The Chair’s report was noted.
F Quarter End June 2021
F1 CEO/AO Exception Report
AW noted the current key issues and difficulties across the sector regarding the victim’s strategy. Strategy has been extended and AW is keen to restart process of co-design. Timeline to set up new strategy for 24/25 is tight. Consultation would need to be had in the summer and a call put out in October. The potential for a red risk to be sent to TEO was discussed as funded groups are working on the basis of an outdated model & this is causing difficulty re funding and costs of delivery at 2023 prices. AW stated that VSS has provided papers based on what is known from the groups & co-design process. It was agreed that AW to send correspondence to Patrick Gallagher & the board for consideration – laying out timeframes, risks and mitigations.
AW also confirmed that a 2022 pay award offer has been proposed. The value of the award within the context of the current level of inflation has been heavily criticised by Unions, and is likely to be a factor in ongoing difficulties in attracting and retaining staff.
AW also reported on current staffing stating that core staff in VSS was around 30-35 people circa 2017. This was increased by 13 with the approval of PEACE IV. There were an additional 3 staff in 2020 for HIA, 3 for TPDPS, & 3 in 2022 for MBMLW. The current structure has been reactionary with new elements added to support new services. This is no longer suitable for the larger, more complex organisation VSS has become. AW stated that the final version of the BCS staffing review was presented in November. However, AW stated that although the proposed increase is modest; (from 54 to around 60 staff), 13 posts were previously PEACE funded & as this creates issues following the cessation of PEACE IV and in preparing for what can be included within PEACE PLUS. The risks regarding PEACE & Staffing to be reflected on the risk register.
F1.1 Budget Report
The Board noted this paper.
SMT to meet later this week about budget spend in area of MBMLW. The numbers coming forward for support are small (new service, launched only in September, not at full staff complement in community partner organisation). Revisions to budget requirement to be highlighted to TEO.
F1.2 Strategic Risk Register
The Board noted this paper. AW highlighted key changes mainly regarding the budget. It was noted that VSS continues to monitor spend of remainder of 22/23 budget. AW set scene for 23/24 budget as a difficult environment due to the wider funding pressures across the public sector. All organisations may be asked to look at what funding cuts would mean and where savings could be achieved. VSS has successfully made the case for protection of budget for victims support and services in previous years. Is savings were to be required, areas such as SDA payments, funded groups budgets (VSP), or the INP Programme would be the areas to be reviewed; all of which would result in significant impact on support/services should reductions be applied. AW closed with stating that we must make progress on the new structure funding & support from TEO is critical.
F2 Quarterly ALB Performance Report
The Board noted this paper.
F3 Quarterly Assurance Statement
The Board noted this paper.
F4.1 Quarterly Outcomes Based M&E T/C
The Board noted this paper.
F4.2 Quarterly Outcomes Based M&E HIA
The Board noted this paper.
G Board Sub Committees
G1 Audit and Risk Committee Update
BMcD gave an update on internal audit report on Financial Management. No priority 1 recommendations identified however internal auditors have provided a “limited assurance” in this area. Noted that this sits within an overall ‘satisfactory assurance’ for the annual opinion. External audit - NIAO has proposed an unqualified opinion on the 2021/22 annual report & accounts. Annual report draft with ARC for consideration & approval by correspondence to be provided. TL to then send this to board for approval prior to C&AG certification, then laying and filing.
G2 Health & Wellbeing Committee Update
HWB Committee is currently on pause no new updates.
H Board Workplan and Development
H1 Board Attendance/Work Plan
The Board noted this paper.
H2 Board Training Update and Questionnaire
The Board noted this paper.
H3 Board Self-Assessment Update
The Board noted this paper. It was agreed that board members would not create individual objectives each year. Rather a collective objective setting would be preferable to measure progress. TL stated that changes need to be made & OW was content with 22/23 update but it was agreed that objectives need to be set for 23/24.
I Standing Agenda Items
The Board noted this paper.
J Any other Business
NN considering options for further ‘quality standard’ for VSS (either updated Victims Choice quality mark, or another Standard). Intention to proceed for VSS in due course, then consider roll out across funded organisations. There is a link here to potential CVS proposed work within PEACE PLUS.
I1 Compliance Update
TL provided the Board with an update on the Compliance Paper; no major updates to discuss.
GDPR Update
An updated data sharing agreement has been put in place with the Victims’ Payments Board to enable sharing of data relating to individuals who have a successful application to the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme. (TPDPS) This was reviewed 7th July 2022 and no changes made.
VSS has updating its DSA with CVS, and is designing a new DSA with COSICA.
No data incidents reported during the period.
I2 Client Risk Update
NN provided an update with 1 client on the register. No safeguarding or serious incidents. No-one on the unacceptable behaviour register. Last client removed from register in May 2018.
NN also presented two updated policies; Adult & Child Safeguarding Policies. Approval of these documents will normally fall to Health & Wellbeing Committee but in this instance, in absence of that Committee, NN asked for board Approval. SH suggested slight amendments could be made to the documents regarding the issue of cyber harm & human trafficking which were not currently highlighted in the documents. All members were satisfied and policies approved (subject to final conversations on minor changes to be implemented).
K Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Thursday 23rd February.