Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 90
Board Meeting Type: Strategic Board
Tuesday 13 September at 10:00am
Remote via Zoom
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member
Sarah Knight (SK) Board Apprentice
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Andrew Walker (AW) Interim CEO
Emma Dargan (ED) Head of Service Development
Tara Lewsley (TL) Head of Corporate Services
Nicola Nugent (NN) Head of Health and Wellbeing
Carla Forte (CF) Business Support Officer (minutes)
A Apologies
No Apologies
B Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 July 2022 were agreed.
C Conflict of Interest
Chair asked all present to consider and declare any conflicts of interest. No conflict of interests were declared.
D CEO Reporting by Exception
AW advised the Board that there were some significant points he would like to highlight. The following key points were noted:
Budget Position
- An update was provided on the current budget position for 22/23. AW again highlighted that the opening 2022/23 budget has been rolled forward from the previous year and as such it does not cover various additional policy commitments from 2021/22 which were funded through monitoring round allocations last year (for example – re-opening of bereaved payment scheme). This issue has been highlighted at previous Boards, ARCs, and has been a red risk on the VSS Risk Register for some time.
- AW confirmed that in the absence of additional funding to meet these commitments, immediate actions will need to be taken to ensure an overspend is avoided. The range of options for reducing commitment/spend were discussed. The Board agree that all of the possible options brought risks, damage to reputation, and negatively impacted services for victims and survivors.
- With no clarity on any future monitoring round, the Accounting Officer will need to take mitigating action no later than 30 September 2022. The issues addressed above are to be raised immediately with the TEO Permanent Secretary in correspondence from the Chair of the Board.
- Cashflow pressures also addressed by AW. Pressures relate to both the budget issue above and to the arrangements for the final months of the PEACE IV Project. VSS/TEO remain in contact to explore solutions. AW stated that Peace will finish on the 1st December 2022 but that assurances have been given by TEO that gap funding will be available as needed; this is likely to be from December 2022 to July/August 2023.
- AW also gave an update on the Regional Trauma Network (RTN), stating that good progress is being made. A soft launch is being set for the 24th October. A more formal, full launch is expected in Spring of 2023.
- Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses - working towards a launch of services on the 30 September 2022. Adopt NI is in place as a partner & additional partner to deliver regional community led support will be appointed imminently.
- Annual Report & Accounts – target date for completion was 20 September (ahead of ARC on 27 September). Given the challenges within the finance team in terms of staffing resource – this is likely to be delayed by 2-3 weeks. VSS to liaise with NIAO.
E Amendment of Articles of Association
Proposed revision to Articles of Association (provided by TEO) considered by the Board.
Board asked that VSS management seek legal advisor confirmation around one element of the changes – before Board approves change.
VSS to seek legal advice and bring proposal back at October Meeting.
F Board Member Inductions
Two new board members will be joining the board (provisionally from 1 October 2022). AW has stated that the next board meeting will be split into 2 sections with an induction on the morning of the 18th of October, then normal q/e Board meeting in the afternoon.
The Board and Management discussed the approach to wider induction before the first meeting, and in the longer term.
Management to draft an induction plan and share with Chair for discussion.
G Strategic Session
Strategic Direction/Staffing Structure update:
AW gave overview of strategic direction & staffing structure project, highlighting key steps to date (SMT & staff engagement, engagement with Power of Choice/ Business Consultancy etc). AW invited opinions from board on VSS Strategic direction; Vision, Mission & Values (revised vision). New vision, mission and values was welcomed by the board & approved. AW to send email to all staff confirming new Vision, Mission, Values for VSS.
Next steps involve working to conclude staffing review report with BCS, and working with TEO on approval process.
Any Other Business
Redress update:
BMCD gave an update in respect of the Redress Process Review. BMCD and NN are continuing to engage with COSICA, TEO and Redress Board in relation to the recommendations of the review, and will keep the Board appraised in the coming months.
NN & BMCD to meet COSICA commissioner on the 15 September & BMCD to meet with Patrick Gallagher (TEO) next week.
Next Meeting
Next Meeting is confirmed for the 18th October 2022. Venue TBC.