Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 84
Board Meeting Type: Quarterly Board Meeting
Tuesday 18 January at 10:00am
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Margaret Bateson (MB) Chief Executive Officer
Andrew Walker (AW) Head of Service Development
Ivor Johnston (TL) Interim Head of Corporate Services
Bryan Leonard (BL) Head of Health and Wellbeing
Nicola Nugent (NN) Head of Health and Wellbeing (HIA)
Melissa McCartan (MMcC) Business Support Officer (minutes)
A Apologies
Richard Solomon (RS), VSS Board Member.
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous Board meeting held on 09 November 2021 were approved.
C Action Points
MB provided an update on the outstanding actions points. The following key points were noted:
31.03.20 AP1: Board to review structure and mix of skills of Health and Wellbeing Committee.
PH provided an update on the status of the VSS Health and Wellbeing Committee. The Board discussed options and agreed to stand the Committee down short term following the resigniation of VSS Board member, Beverley Clarke. It was noted all learning and decision making will be referred directly to the Board in the meantime.
21.10.20 AP2: Secure gateway to be set up for VSS Board members. This AP is now closed.
14.09.21 AP1: VSS chair to write to TEO to outline risks which exist for VSS with board under quota, highlighting particular needs of the HWB Committee. This AP is now closed.
In relation to MSFM Ref 4.4.3, Ministers shall meet with the Board formally each year, it was agreed VSS will issue a letter to TEO this week to seek an update on the request.
D Conflict of Interest
D1 Supplier List / Agenda Items
The Board noted this paper.
D2 Declaration Form
No conflicts of interest were declared.
E Chairman’s Report
The Chairman’s report was noted.
F Quarter End Dec 2021
F1 CEO/AO Exception Report
MB provided an update on the progress against the business plan. The Board noted 3 delivery plan targets currently at risk of not being met:
1. RTN - Preliminary and ongoing engagement with the Interim Clinical Director for the RTN and Independent Facilitator is due to take place and VSS is committed to engaging with all stakeholders in a facilitated co-design process when possible, ahead of reconstituting a Partnership Board but is now at risk of non-delivery. The Board noted a letter was issued to DoH on 10.01.22 to request an update on the current status of RTN.
2. Partnership Agreement - The establishment of a Partnership Agreement has yet to be progressed due to prioritisation in other key areas (by both TEO and VSS). It was highlighted that VSS considers this an urgent priority for Q4 2021/22.
3. PEACE IV Volunteering Programme - This target will not now be achieved due to Covid-19 pressures being faced by VSS funded organisations, as well as the pressures of other new activity such as VSS working groups and new PEACEIV initiatives. Given the small numbers involved, VSS will not be taking any further remedial actions in this area.
The Board noted that 7 HIA targets relating to ‘Step 2 and 3’ types of interventions will be below estimated ‘business case’ demand and ‘Step 1’ interventions such as Outreach, Welfare and Listening Ear will significantly be over and above the estimated ‘business case’ demand. MB highlighted that overall, HIA will meet its target in terms of survivors supported and that given the service has been in operation for one year, VSS will not be taking any mitigating actions and will be driven by emerging need rather than estimations.
In respect of the delivering on outcomes, the following key points were noted:
- TPDPS: VSS has engaged with key stakeholders to agree draft ToR for an independent Real Time Review, which is due to start imminently. The Board noted that at November month end, 386 SARs/VPB requests have been received.
- Co-Design (MBI-MLW): Interim business has been approved. Approval of final business case anticipated by end of March 2022.
- Peace IV/Plus: Key concerns raised around Peace Programme timeliness and the issue of gap funding between Peace IV and Peace Plus. Letter issued to TEO on 13.01.22 outlining concerns.
MB advised that the total expenditure reported within the 2021/22 annual accounts is expected to be within the 1.5% underspend tolerance level for funding relating to Troubles/Conflict. It was noted the budget for HIA is currently at risk of underspend outside of the 1.5% tolerance but mitigating actions planned in January 2022 are likely to resolve this.
The Board noted that there are no new risks in the quarter. MB provided an update on the key changes since the last update and highlighted that two risks coming forward have been escalated from amber to red risk, and one from green to amber risk. The two red risks relate to VSS Staff Health and Wellbeing and the needs of the Bereaved. The third risks relates to Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses.
MB highlighted that VSS has initiated engagement with Business Consultancy Services in preparation of the review of VSS structure and strategic direction in Q3/Q4. This will be complemented with a review of the strategic direction of the organisation with Power of Choice.
F2 Quarterly ALB Performance Report
The Board noted this paper.
F2.1 Annex 1 - Strategic Risk Register
The Board noted this paper.
F2.2 Annex 2 – Budget Report
The Board noted this paper.
F3 Quarterly Assurance Statement
The Board noted this paper.
F4 Quarterly Outcomes Based M&E
The Board noted this paper.
G Board Sub Committees
G1 Audit and Risk Committee Update
BMcD provided an update on the most recent ARC meeting, held on Wednesday 12 January 2022.
It was noted External Audit has been extended due to further testing around Education and Training. VSS is hopeful that the External Audit will be concluded by end of January 2022, if no further testing is required.
The Board noted Internal Audit has been extended out to Q1 2022/23.
G2 Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report 2020/21
The Board noted this paper.
G3 Health & Wellbeing Committee Update
Covered within AP update. Nothing further to note.
H Board Workplan and Development
H1 Board Attendance/Work Plan
The Board noted this paper.
It was agreed that a further meeting to take forward new objective setting in the context of the changing role of VSS will now take place in April 2022.
H2 Board Training Update and Questionnaire
The Board noted this paper.
H3 Board Self-Assessment Update
The Board noted this paper.
I Standing Agenda Items
I1 Compliance Update
IJ provided the Board with an update on the four suspected fraud cases open at the quarter end.
Of the 3 active cases open at the quarter end, two have been referred on to TEO and GFIS, who have subsequently engaged the PSNI in respect of one case. The Board noted a Governance Review has been initiated in respect of the third case.
Of the four debtor balances identified at quarter end, it was noted all cases are actively being sought by VSS.
The Board noted there were no new whistleblowing allegations raised in the quarter and one governance review initiated, in respect of the suspected fraud case mentiond above. There was one assembly question received in the quarter, with a response provided within the timescale.
One FOI request was received during the quarter. The response to the request was released within the required timeframe.
IJ advised two complaints were received by VSS during the quarter, both referring to funded individuals. Neither complaint was upheld.
The Board noted that were no Ombudsman complaints received in the quarter to 30 December 2021. One Ombudsman complaint was carried forward from the previous quarter. This case remains open with no response yet received.
It was noted incoming calls decreased in Q3 as calls relating to the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme reduced during October and November. IJ highlighted the missed call statistics, which showed a noticeable improvement in the quarter.
GDPR Update
A revised Data Sharing Agreement has been agreed and is currently being finalised. This will then be shared with all funded organisations at the earliest opportunity.
I2 Client Risk Update
No client risk to note.
I3 Data Protection Update
Covered within compliance paper.
PH raised a question relating to the upcoming Trauma Summit in June 2022. AW advised VSS Programmes team will keep Board informed regarding tickets.
BL advised a new policy is due to be brought to the Board, which relates to Managing Disclosure of non-recent abuse.
It was agreed the Board will meet 9:00AM to 1:00PM on 8 February 2022 to discuss the future strategic direction and staffing structure of VSS.
K Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 8 February 2022.