Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No 83
Board Meeting Type: Quarterly Board Meeting
Tuesday 19 October at 10:00am
Clayton Hotel, Belfast | Via Zoom
Board Members Present:
Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Chair
Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member (via Zoom)
Beverley Clarke (BC) Board Member (via Zoom)
Richard Solomon (RS) Board Member (via Zoom)
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Margaret Bateson (MB) Chief Executive Officer
Ivor Johnston (TL) Interim Head of Corporate Services
Bryan Leonard (BL) Head of Health and Wellbeing
Melissa McCartan (MM) Business Support Officer (minutes via Zoom)
The Chair welcomed IJ to his first VSS Board meeting.
A Apologies
Andrew Walker, Head of Service Development.
B Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous Board meeting held on 27 July 2021 were approved.
C Action Points
IJ and BL provided an update on the outstanding actions points. The following key points were noted:
31.03.20 AP1: Board to review structure and mix of skills of Health and Wellbeing Committee. It was noted that a request has been made to TEO to commence a co-option process and a draft application form has been provided. BL advised he will follow this up with TEO.
21.10.20 AP2: Secure gateway to be set up for VSS Board members. It was noted this has been set up for Board members and rolled out for the Oct 2021 meeting. BMcD raised a concern around accessing the documents on a hotel network. It was agreed the M&E Manager will revert with information on this.
14.09.21 AP1: VSS chair to write to TEO to outline risks which exist for VSS with board under quota, highlighting particular needs of the HWB Committee. This letter was issued on 13.10.21.
In relation to MSFM Ref 4.4.3, Ministers shall meet with the Board formally each year, there is no further update.
D Conflict of Interest
D1 Supplier List / Agenda Items
The Board noted this paper.
D2 Declaration Form
No conflicts of interest were declared.
E Chairman’s Report
The Chairman’s report was noted.
F Quarter End June 2021
F1 CEO/AO Exception Report
MB noted that the CEO Exception Report covers the period July-Sept 2021 and highlighted Andrew Walker was in post as interim CEO for August and September whilst on sabbatical. The Board noted the CEO key communications and engagements for the period, including AW’s ongoing engagement with DoJ and welfare organisations in respect of the TPDPS.
In respect of the current progress against business plan targets and delivering on outcomes, MB advised the Board that five delivery plan targets are currently at risk of not being met. The Board noted the following key points:
- Complementary Therapies continues to be at risk due to the impact of Covid-19 on close contact services. It was noted VSS programmes officers will review the service provision within each funded organisation in the coming weeks.
- Whilst demand for talking therapies within community partner organisations remains high, the demand for services on an individual basis from VSS is less than anticipated. Partial achievement is expected of this target.
- HIA 1:1 literacy and numeracy is not expected to be achieved. It was noted this is due to more immediate HWB needs of survivors of HIA being prioritised before addressing this need.
- VSS have launched a new service to support carers within the Volunteering Programme and are engaging in a communications strategy to promote this service. It is expected that this will improve uptake and go some way towards achievement of this target but at this time, the expected demand levels cannot be estimated.
The Board noted that VSS continues to provide interim emotional support for victims and survivors of Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses (MBI-MLW). It was noted the co-design element to draft a service delivery model has been ‘completed’ (but engagement and learning will continue long term) and VSS have recently received feedback on the business case (submitted to DoH on 9 August 2021) which is currently being reviewed. MB advised that she continued to engage with political representatives in relation to MBI-MLW whilst on sabattical, as outlined in section 3.4.
It was noted that VSS is currently working in partnership with the HIA Redress Board and COSICA across a number of areas including raising awareness of the support and services available to victims and survivors. MB advised circa 350 survivors are currently accessing support and services via VSS and its community partners.
MB advised approx. 2,000 individuals are currently waiting on assistance from welfare organisations in respect of the application form for TPDPS. Given the significant figures, AW is looking at options to alleviate this and will submit a request for additional resources.
The Board noted there has been further engagement within the Working Groups in areas of Social Support, Recording of Lived Experience and Gender. MB advised a further Sectoral session was held in the period to progress the co-design of the next Victims Strategy.
F2 Quarterly ALB Performance Report
The Board noted this paper.
F2.1 Annex 1 - Strategic Risk Register
The Board noted this paper and discussed the plans to undertake a staffing review of the VSS in addition to an overall strategic review of the organisation in terms of culture, purpose and values.
F2.2 Annex 2 – Budget Report
The Board noted this paper.
F3 Quarterly Assurance Statement
The Board noted this paper.
F4 Quarterly Outcomes Based M&E
The Board noted this paper.
G Board Sub Committees
G1 Audit and Risk Committee Update
BMcD provided an update on the most recent ARC meeting, held on Wednesday 13 October 2021.
It was noted queries were raised to NIAO in respect of a number of factors which have contributed to the inclusion of Regularity of Grant Expenditure as a significant audit risk. The Board noted these concerns.
G2 Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report 2020/21
The Board noted this paper.
G3 Health & Wellbeing Committee Update
PH provided an update on the most recent Health & Wellbeing Committee meeting, held on Tuesday 7 September 2021.
It was noted the HWB Committee work plan will now be reviewed at each meeting going forward, rather than on an annual basis.
H Board Workplan and Development
H1 Board Attendance/Work Plan
The Board noted this paper.
It was noted the Board met on 27 July 2021 to undertake a session to review the board’s effectiveness. IJ advised a further meeting to take forward new objective setting in the context of the changing role of VSS will be scheduled to take place later this year.
19.10.21 - AP1: IJ to arrange external facilitator and schedule Board objective setting meeting.
H2 Board Training Update and Questionnaire
The Board noted this paper.
H3 Board Self-Assessment Update
The Board noted this paper.
I Standing Agenda Items
I1 Compliance Update
IJ provided the Board with an update on the three suspected fraud cases open at the quarter end.
Of the 2 active cases open at the quarter end, both have been referred on to TEO and GFIS, who have subsequently engaged the PSNI in respect of one case.
Of the four debtor balances identified at quarter end, it was noted all cases are actively being sought by VSS, with one referred on to legal.
The Board noted there were no new whistleblowing allegations raised in the quarter and no ongoing governance reviews at 30 September 2021. There were three assembly questions received in the quarter with a response provided to each.
The Board noted five FOI requests were received, and a response was provided for four of these within the required timeframe. IJ advised the response to the remaining request is currently being prepared and is expected to be released within the required timeframe.
IJ advised one complaint was received by VSS during the quarter which was resolved informally. It was noted one complaint was received in respect of a VSS funded organisation, which has subsequently been passed to the organisation.
The Board noted that were no Ombudsman complaints received in the quarter to 30 September 2021. One Ombudsman complaint was carried forward from the previous quarter. This case remains open with no response yet received.
IJ advised incoming calls increased in the period by 50% when compared to July-September from the previous year, due to queries that were received in respect of the launch of the TPDPS on 31 August 2021, as well as continued client calls relating to Home Heating payments. The Board noted that following a review of systems and processes for call management, changes have been applied which have seen month-on-month reductions in missed calls during Q2, despite increasing call volumes.
GDPR Update
A revised Data Sharing Agreement has been agreed and is currently being finalised. This will then be shared with all funded organisations at the earliest opportunity.
I2 Client Risk Update
No client risk to note.
I3 Data Protection Update
Covered within compliance paper.
J1 AOB - ARC Membership
IJ provided an update on the Audit and Risk Committee membership, highlighting three ARC members, including the Chair and two VSS Board members, have terms ending in the current calendar year.
The Board members noted the issues posed by these terms end dates and were content with the proposal presented. It was agreed their terms will be extended until the appointment of 3 new board members to allow the appointment of new board members to the committee, or a further one-year extension to their second term - whichever comes first.
The Board thanked AW in his absence for his contribution as Interim CEO over the last 2 months and in particular acknowledged the very challenging period of time in relation to the launch of the TPDPS and post-Covid planning.
K Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 9 November 2021.