Minutes of the VSS Health & Wellbeing Committee Meeting 15

Tuesday 04 May 2021

Remote via Zoom


HWB Committee Members Present:

Patricia Haren (PH)                     VSS Board Member & Committee Chair

Beverley Clarke (BC)                   VSS Board Member



VSS Officers in Attendance

Bryan Leonard (BL)                     VSS Head of Health and Wellbeing

Nicola Nugent (NN)                      VSS Health and Wellbeing Case Manager

Aongus O’Keeffe (AOK)               VSS HWB Programme Manager

Melissa McCartan (MM)                VSS Business Support Officer (minutes)



A      Apologies


Emma Dargan (ED)             VSS Programmes Manager


B      Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of the previous HWB Committee meeting held on 23 February 2021 were agreed.  


C      Action Points


 AOK provided an update on the following outstanding action points.


23.02.21 – AP3: Info gathering and retrieval for HIA will be a key work area over the coming months. Low interest / take up for interim emotional support service being provided by VSS for victims and survivors of Mother & Baby Institutions; however, the service has not been widely publicised across Health sector. This issue has been escalated by CEO with relevant bodies.

Also noted that under-18s can now also apply for Redress


18.02.20 – AP5: Recruitment of independent HWB Committee member

BL reported that MB is currently exploring options. Committee stated this this has been an AP for some time and that a close down date should be put on this. BL to discuss with MB to get a timeframe update.


Agreed that AOK should develop a condensed version of Committee APs and remove old action points for next meeting.


Action Points arising from 23.02.21:

04.05.21 – AP1: NN to share final draft Policy on Managing Disclosures of non-recent Abuse with HWB Committee for review.


D      Policies: New & Under Development


The Committee noted one HIA policy currently under development, which relates to managing disclosures of non-recent abuse.


NN reported that this is almost complete and is due to be shared with NAPAC for review. HWB Committee will be required to review before finalisation in September 2021. 


E      Clinical Governance


E1 - Client Risk / Safeguarding / Serious Adverse Incidents


AOK provided an update and it was reported that three individuals were added to the client risk register during the period Jan-April 21. Follow up was provided with each individual case and all three cases have since been marked as ‘closed’ on the register.



E2 - Training & Development


NN currently exploring options for staff training relating to Mother & Baby Institutions. Potential areas being explored are as follows:

-        Non-consensual sexual contact

-        Forced adoption


BC agreed to link in with NN/BL in identifying other areas for training.


F      CEO Exception Report


Nothing further to report since the VSS Quarterly Board meeting on 20 April 2021.


G     Quarter End Outcomes Report


The Committee noted that the quarter-end outcomes report will be available in June 2021.


H      Service Development


NN provided Committee with an update on HIA. It was noted 148 victims and survivors are now registered with the service to date, with Disability Aids being mostly availed of at present.


It was noted all HIA staff; VSS, WAVE, and Advice NI will be in post from 10 May 2021. It is anticipated that the VSS office will open on an appointment basis only to victims and survivors of HIA from 24 May 2021.

NN advised VSS are currently at initial stages of scoping regarding information recovery and retrieval.


NN provided a brief update on Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses.


AOK provided the Committee with an update on the Bereaved scheme. It was noted around 500 applications have been received to date, with initial round of payments anticipated by the end of w/c 3 May 2021.


It was noted Mr Justice McAlinden, President of the Victims’ Payments Board, has announced his intention to open the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme for applications from 30 June 2021. AOK advised VSS continue to work through internal processes to ensure everything is in place.


The Committee noted the VSS Working Groups currently in operation, which are Gender, Social Support, Addiction, and Recording of Lived Experience. BL provided an update on the Addictions Working Group and advised a more detailed update on all Groups will be provided at the next VSS Board meeting.


I       HWB Committee 2020/21 Annual Report


The Committee approved this paper. The 2021/22 plan was updated to include training in the following areas:

-        Information Retrieval and Tracing

-        Post-adoption processes & support

-        Non recent disclosures of sexual abuse

-        Training in person centred approaches when recalling lived experiences



J      HWB Committee 2021/22 Workplan


The Committee agreed their objectives for 2021-22. AOK to update training table per annual report above.




K      Substance Use and Dual Diagnosis (Presentation by Dr. Anne Campbell, QUB)



The Committee Chair welcomed Dr. Anne Campbell to the VSS Health and Wellbeing Committee meeting.


Dr. Anne Campbell delivered a presentation on Substance Use and Dual Diagnosis and then engaged in a Q&A session with the Committee members.



Dr. Anne Campbell left the meeting at 15:58pm.



L      AOB


It was agreed that the HWB Committee Self-Assessment session will take place at the next Committee meeting in September 2021.


Date of Next Meeting


The next VSS Health and Wellbeing Committee meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 7 September 2021.