Minutes of the VSS Health & Wellbeing Committee Meeting 16

Tuesday 07 September 2021

Remote via Zoom


HWB Committee Members Present:

Patricia Haren (PH)                     VSS Board Member & Committee Chair

Beverley Clarke (BC)                   VSS Board Member



VSS Officers in Attendance

Emma Dargan (ED)                     VSS Programmes Manager

Bryan Leonard (BL)                     VSS Head of Health and Wellbeing (minutes)

Karen Morgan (KM)                     VSS Health and Wellbeing Case Manager

Nicola Nugent (NN)                      VSS Health and Wellbeing Case Manager



A      Apologies


Melissa McCartan (MM)       VSS Business Support Officer               



B      Minutes of Previous Meetings


The minutes of the previous HWB Committee meeting held on 04 May 2021 were agreed.  



C      Action Points


BL provided an update on the following outstanding action points:


04.05.21 – AP1: Share final draft Policy on Managing Disclosures of non-recent Abuse with HWB Committee for review.


NN currently completing draft policy on ‘Managing Disclosures of Non-Recent Abuse’; draft will be shared with NAPAC for external review prior to review/approval by the HWB Committee.


04.05.21 – AP2: Issue Committee self-assessment to all Committee members for completion in advance of next meeting.


Completed; HWB Committee Self-Assessment document was distributed on 29 July 2021 for completion.


09.09.2020 - AP2: Programmes team to develop a best practice regarding checks for individuals who have conflict related convictions or returning from long-term sick leave etc. guide for funded organisations.


The Programmes Team are reviewing and updating all Programme Guidance Notes.  This new Guidance Note will be issued to the groups once the review has been completed in October 2021.


18.02.20 – AP5: Recruitment of independent HWB Committee member.

HCS/HHWB currently exploring potential co-option through TEO


10.09.19 - AP1: HWB Programme Manager to work with M&E team and others in VSS to take forward further analysis of CORE data (i.e. 40% not reporting improvement), and to prepare a report and recommendations within 2019/20.

CB (HWB Case Manager) assigned as project lead and to progress.


05.12.18 - AP5: NISCC registration for funded organisations and Caseworkers required.  Renewal dates to be submitted and logged by VSS.

Follow-up/support being provided by CEO and HHWB.


Action Points arising from Tuesday 07 September 2021:


AP1: Review of the induction plan for Committee members



D      Policies: New & Under Development


NN currently completing draft policy on ‘Managing Disclosures of Non-Recent Abuse’; draft will be shared with NAPAC for external review prior to review/approval by the HWB Committee.



E      Clinical Governance


E1 - Client Risk / Safeguarding / Serious Adverse Incidents


The Committee noted that one client has been added to the client risk register to date in 2020/21.


        The Committee noted a decrease in challenging phone calls since April 2021.


The Committee noted that, to date, one client disclosed safeguarding concerns; appropriate recording, reporting and follow-up support was implemented.


No new serious adverse incidents and unacceptable behaviour were noted.



E2 - Training & Development


ED provided an update regarding the Workforce Training and Development Plan. It was noted there has been positive outcomes through the use of technology in terms of engagement and the range of courses offered.


NN advised that she is currently arranging training re ‘Managing Disclosures of Non-Recent Abuse’.



F      Quarter End Outcomes Report


The Committee noted the outcomes based ME report for Q1 2021-22.



G     Service Development


NN provided an update re HIA. It was noted that VSS are currently working in partnership with the HIA Redress Board and TEO on a number of separate areas/initiatives.


BC advised NN to liaise with the ‘Child Migrants Trust’ and ‘Irish in Britain’ re opportunities for shared learning and models of best practice.


BC and PH advised that consideration should be given to a blended approach re the HWB Caseworker Network meetings. BC and PH also advised that the establishment of advisory panels should be considered in the longer-term.


BC and PH acknowledged the work and achievements of the VSS HIA team to date.


NN provided an update in relation to the current co-design of support and services for victims and survivors of Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses.


ED provided an update regarding the Troubles Permanent Disablement Scheme which launched on 31st August 2021. It was noted that, since the launch, there has been a significant increase in call volumes/queries. VSS has been liaising with funded organisations re funding calls for additional health and wellbeing support.


H        HWB Committee Self-Assessment


The Committee reviewed the self-assessment responses where the following      needs/actions were identified:


                           i.          Recruitment of independent HWB Committee member with relevant clinical experience, skills and expertise

                          ii.          Review of the induction plan for Committee members



I       HWB Committee Terms of Reference Review


The Committee agreed to review the current Terms of Reference in two phases; a wider review of the Terms of Reference will be carried out following the recruitment and induction of an additional independent HWB Committee member.



J      Review of VSS Staff Health & Wellbeing Programme


KM provided an overview of the Staff Health and Wellbeing Programme to date and future plans for ongoing development and improvement.



K      AOB


It was agreed that the HWB Committee Work Plan should be a standing agenda item at future HWB Committee meetings going forward.


PH advised that a review of a recent investigation is underway; any opportunities for learning and improvement will be shared, where appropriate.



Date of Next Meeting


The next VSS Health and Wellbeing Committee meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 2 November 2021.