Minutes of the VSS Audit and Risk Committee
Tuesday 29 March 2022, 11:00am
Remote – via Zoom
ARC Members Present:
Colm Doran (CD) Chair
Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member
Briege Lafferty (BL) ARC Member
Jonathan McCullough (JMcC) ARC Member
VSS Officers in Attendance:
Margaret Bateson (MB) Chief Executive Officer
Andrew Walker (AW) Head of Service Development
Melissa McCartan (MMcC) Business Support Officer (Minutes)
Others in Attendance:
Kathy Doey (KD) NIAO
Marie Mathews (MM) TEO
A Apologies
Apologies received from Steven Lindsay, Cavanagh Kelly.
B Update on 20/21 Annual Report and Accounts
MB provided the Committee with an update on the 20/21 Annual Report and Accounts.
The Committee noted that the accounts must be laid with the Assembly prior to filing with Companies House. On the basis that the accounts cannot be promptly laid, the C&AG is unable to certify at this point. It is intended that the C&AG will revisit certification when the Assembly is restored – and companies house filing will then follow.
MB advised the Committee that VSS have written to Companies House to request an extension to timeframe and based on initial conversation with Companies House, it is anticipated that such request is likely to be approved given the unusual circumstances outside of VSS control.
KD provided the Committee with an update on the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Report and Report to Those Charged with Governance (RTTCWG).
The Committee noted and discussed three priority 1 recommendations have been identified, which relate to the Education and Training Scheme, VSP Additional Calls for funding, and Governance Arrangements in relation to VSS Board and Committees.
MB advised the Committee that VSS accept the recommendations and will liaise with NIAO to agree next steps. It was noted management responses will be presented at the next ARC meeting.
The Committee noted that the new Comptroller and Auditor General is due to take up appointment end of July 2022.
The Chair thanked VSS and NIAO for the update and highlighted that the Committee recognises the position we are currently in.
C Next Meeting
The next VSS Audit and Risk Committee meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 13 April 2022.
It was agreed the Committee will meet again after the election to review the reports and certify the 20/21 accounts. Date to be arranged.