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A project supported by the PEACEPLUS Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

VSS-PULSE (Partnership for Understanding, Learning, Support and Education) is a £21.7m project supported by the PEACEPLUS Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

The Partnership’s objective is to improve the health and wellbeing of victims and survivors by increasing and improving access to high quality services across Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.

It will target hard to reach and marginalised individuals and communities which have suffered from the troubles/conflict and will engage them in cohesive trauma informed support.

Specifically, the Partnership will:

  • Develop an enhanced regional network of Health and Wellbeing Caseworkers to improve the Health and Wellbeing of 10,000 Victims and Survivors by identifying their needs and suitable interventions.
  • Develop an Advocacy Support Programme that will help 3,900 Victims and Survivors establish their advocacy needs and ensure they can access trauma informed services.
  • Provide health wellbeing support and services to victim and survivor in the ROI border counties in partnership with a cross-border partner – Pobal.
  • Develop and implement community-lead Resilience Action Plans to provide support for Victims and Survivors.
  • Deliver a range of trauma education programmes to help build a trauma informed community.
  • Develop and implement a Workforce Training and Development Plan which will improve service provision for Victims and Survivors.
  • Conduct research to further understand how to develop and improve trauma services.

The Partnership will be led by VSS working in collaboration with the following Partners:

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