Springhill Community House has 40 years experience in the delivery of education, training and health promotion. We provide a wide range of classes including GCSE English, Maths, Science and History, as well as Computers for beginners.
We also provide training in Complementary Therapies such as Reflexology, Aromatherapy, and Indian Head Massage.
We deliver personal development and life coaching programmes aimed at improving your confidence.
Springhill Community House also delivers therapy clinics in Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Metamorphosis, Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Bach Flower remedies. Each client will receive 5 one to one complementary therapy treatments. We offer an outreach programme for those unable to leave their own home.
This organisation receives support from the Victims Support Programme for Groups Working with Victims and Survivors, to deliver some or all of the services that it provides. Its views do not necessarily reflect those of the Victims and Survivors Service.
How to Access this Service
If you wish to make contact with this organisation, feel free to call or email them directly using the details provided. Alternatively, feel free to contact VSS on 028 90 279100. Our Health and Wellbeing Team will be happy to assist you.
Office Locations
Springhill Community House
6&7 Springhill Close
BT12 7SE