Out of the Shadows was constituted on the 29th September 2014 as a support group for Veterans and their families who suffered as a result of the Troubles in Northern Ireland with 3 specific aims:
- to reduce Social Isolation
- to increase the social, physical and emotional wellbeing of individuals
- to ensure an efficient, effective and sustainable organisation
Charitable Status was initially achieved 22nd July 2015 and updated on the 9th July 2018 following Companies House registration.
Out of the Shadows (NI) Ltd was registered with Companies House on the 17th September 2017. Company Number: NI648003.
Out of the Shadows (NI) Ltd gained Charitable status on the 9th July 2018. Charity Number: NIC107069.
Support and Services
The Mens Shed and Hens Shed both operate within a social enterprise model and the group are members of the Mens Shed Ireland Association, Groundwork NI and NICVA.
The Sheds have been a great asset to the group and have allowed group networking activities, training, advice and support.
As we look to sustainability and progression we will explore the possibilities around developing further social economy models within the project.
Out of the Shadows has close links and working relationships with both Statutory and Community Organisations
Links have been formed with local Council in the area of Community Development, with particular regard to their Strategy and Community Planning.
Links with the Housing Executive through previous funding and their Community Development Workers involved in the Shared Communities and Supporting People Programmes.
We work with the Cedar Foundation in relation to Victims and Survivors who have suffered brain injury and with the local Mental Health team. In particular the Mens and Hens Sheds have played a significant role in providing support and social connectivity for those referrals.
Working relationships continue with UDR Aftercare, SSAFA, Royal British Legion, Prison Officers Association and the Retired Police Officers Association.
As the Mens and Hens Sheds are progressing in skill learning we are now planning on sharing those skills with local Victims groups, Community and Church groups through workshops. These will be a valuable platform to share skills, learn new skills, form new friendships and encourage social connections.
Out of the Shadows also has a formal working relationship with SEFF (South and East Fermanagh Foundation) in areas of:
Welfare Advice and Support
Health and Wellbeing
Complementary Therapies
Representation from the Board sits on relevant sub-committees in these areas.
Out of the Shadows membership has increased steadily and now sits at 280 all of whom fall into the category of a Victim or Survivor as determined within the Victims and Survivors (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, as amended by the Commission for Victims and Survivors (Northern Ireland) Act 2008. All the work carried out within Out of the Shadows aims to improve the health and wellbeing of Victims and Survivors.
Members meetings are held bi-monthly to enable members to raise any issues, concerns or share ideas they have connected to the group. It is a platform for developing new ideas for social support, educational or recreational activities etc. A guest speaker attends these meetings in relevant areas of interest eg pain management, benefits advice etc.
This organisation receives support from the Victims Support Programme for Groups Working with Victims and Survivors, to deliver some or all of the services that it provides. Its views do not necessarily reflect those of the Victims and Survivors Service.
How to Access this Service
If you wish to make contact with this organisation, feel free to call or email them directly using the details provided. Alternatively, feel free to contact VSS on 028 90 279100. Our Health and Wellbeing Team will be happy to assist you.
Office Locations
Out of the Shadows (NI) Ltd
Units 1A and 2A
163A Portadown Road
BT61 9LJ